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After 32 Years, Indian Investigation Agency CBI wants to conduct Lie Detection on Sikh Genocide 1984 suspect Jagdish Tytler

New Delhi: Congress leader Jagdish Tytler has been directed by a Delhi court to appear before it tomorrow on a CBI plea seeking permission to conduct lie detection test on him in a 1984 Sikh genocide related case. Besides Jagdish Tytler, CBI has also sought conduct of the test on arms dealer Abhishek Verma.

Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate on Wednesday (Feb. 08) asked Jagdish Tytler and Verma to appear before him tomorrow (Friday) at 4 PM to ascertain their stand on the plea.

[File Photo]

The case pertains to death of three Sikhs who were massacred during Sikh genocide 1984. Notably, there is no law in India which recognizes the act of genocide as a punishable crime under the law.

Jagdish Tytler has been given a clean chit by CBI thrice in the case but the probe agency has been directed by the court to further investigate the matter.

Verma has made several statements to CBI against the senior Congress leader that he allegedly pressurised witnesses in the case.

Three decades of Impunity and denial of Justice:

It is notable that high ups in the Congress party and the Indian administration perpetrated the Sikh genocidal violence against the Sikhs in November 1984, in which thousands of Sikhs were massacred throughout India. Culprits of the genocidal massacres of Nov. 1984 have enjoyed impunity and high political posts during past three decades where as the victims of the massacre were left to perish as the justice was blatantly denied in these cases.

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