A CCTV image of the incident - AAP office beign vandalised

Political News

Aam Aadmi Party’s office vandalised by extremist Hindu group over Kashmir remark

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

January 09, 2014

Ghaziabad, UP (January 09, 2014): Around 40 men belonging to a Hindu extremist group named Hindu Raksha Dal attacked the Aam Aadmi Party (APP) office here Jan. 08. As per certain media report the attack was apparently in protest of a statement on Kashmir made by party leader Prashant Bhushan.

In his statement Prashant Bhushan had said that a referendum should be carried out in Kashmir on whether or not the Indian Army should be deployed in the Valley to deal with the security situation there.

According to Daily News Analysis (DNA): [a]ctivists of a right-wing group today attacked and vandalised the Aam Aadmi Party headquarters in Kaushambi here with bricks and stones to protest against party leader Prashant Bhushan’s remarks on referendum in Kashmir.

Around 40 activists of Hindu Raksha Dal broke vandalised AAP’s office, broke flower pots, break window galsses tore party posters. Some glass doors were also smashed in the attack.

“We today staged a protest against AAP’s stand on Kashmir. AAP leader Prashant Bhushan’s remark on Kashmir are very sad for Hindus due to which we staged a protest outside the party office,” said Pinky Choudhary, national convenor, Hindu Raksha Dal. Police said no one was injured in the attack.

Hours after the attack on Aam Aadmi Party’s Kaushambi office here, Ghaziabad Police arrested the national convenor of Hindu Raksha Dal from Sahibabad area in connection with the incident.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has condemned the attack on the AAP office and wanted to know if the intention of the attackers is to kill his colleague Prashant Bhushan.

Reacting to the charge, BJP spokesperson Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said, “I don not have complete information about the incident. However, this sort of incident cannot be justified. Instead of blaming each other, due course of legal action should be followed. They see BJP even in their dreams. They are working to stop the good governance of BJP. Whenever their fault is pointed out, they see BJP’s hand behind it.”