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Akal Takht Jathedar wants Punjab govt. to solve the issue of Sikh political prisoners

Giani Gurbachan Singh (R) and Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa (L) [File Photo]

Amritsar/ Chandigarh: In wake of indefinite hunger strike by Sikh activist Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh has discussed the issue of ‘Bandi Singhs’ with the Punjab government. Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa is seeking permanent release of seven Sikh political prisoners who are still confined in various Indian jails despite serving their sentences.

Giani Gurbachan Singh (L) – Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa (R) – [File Photo used for representational purpose]

Giani Gurbachan Singh told reporters that Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa and his supporters had submitted a list of 117 Sikh prisoners. The list included the names of seven persons who were subjected to imprisonment for life. He said that Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa in his letter maintained that the government releases a life term convict after serving 14 years in prison but these Sikh prisoners were not released even after serving 19 to 22 years in prison.

Akal Takht Jathedar said that he recently discussed the issue with representatives of the Punjab government. He said that the Punjab government has assured him that it will take up the issue with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Central government.

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