Over Seas

Amita Gill in run for a seat in State parliament in Australia

By Tejashdeep Singh

July 12, 2014

Melbourne, Australia (July 12, 2014): For the first time in Australian history a young punjabi women will run for seat in a state Parliament in Australia. As Victoria , a southern state of country is heating up for this year’s November elections, Amita Gill will be MP candidate from Liberal party of Australia. Amita who belong to Rania village in Moga district of Punjab will run for electoral seat of bundoora , Mainly Covers north area of Melbourne Metropolitan.

Today, a political administrative committee of liberal party veterans Finalise her candidature. after this process of pre selection, now Amita will roll out her campaign from this seat which is presently represented by Australian Labour Party.

While talking to Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) she express her excitement for this opportunity and says: “I am very thankful to liberal party to select me as a candidature as I am committed to serve people with liberal vision , She says it’s a very special moment for her to stand up for Australian communities’ issues and while doing this it is also a time for indian specially punjabi community to feel a presence on political ground of southern continent.”

Migrated from India in 2005 Gill is running a educational institute in city and is politically active in Party. From Sikh Family Amita ‘s father was retired from India army from rank of brigadier and she mostly complete here study from army institutes.

According to Liberal Party’s Bundoora unit chairperson and advisor to multicultural and planning minister of state, Goldy Brar, liberal party is getting ready for state elections and is in good position as this time people of state will again choose liberal for second tenure in state too as current Napthine government is planning to make a development a main agenda with people and economy friendly projects are in pipeline. While speaking on candidature of Amita Gill he said that Amita is well connected with community of region and working on various issues related to public interests liberal party always prefer to give opportunity to young and hard-working candidates to represent Australian In parliament.

As Brar is a former candidate from this same seat he is confident in good margin from this seat. From LPA Jocelen Griffith’s congratulate Amita for her selection.