Amar Singh Chahal talking to the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) at Chandigarh [File Photo]

Sikh News

Bhai Hawara’s spokesperson writes to acting Jathedars after message on maryada issue was disapproved

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

June 18, 2016

Chandigarh: Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara’s counsel and spokesperson, Advocate Amar Singh Chahal, has written a letter (copy available with the Sikh Siyasat News) to acting Jathedars Bhai Dhian Singh Mand, Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala and Bhai Baljit Singh Dhaduwal.

In his letter Advo. Amar Singh Chahal has raised concerns about news published by certain media sections that acting Jathedars have disapproves an appeal issued by Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara saying that it was not ‘authentic’.

Notably, the appeal requesting the Sikh sangat to not to raise questions over the Sikh Rehat Maryada was released by Advocate Amar Singh Chahal few days back (read here for details). However, the appeal was reportedly disapproved by the acting jathedars arguing that the release did not bear signatures of Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara, who is presently lodged in Tihar jail, Delhi.

Advo. Amar Singh Chahal asked the acting jathedars in his letter that why he was not consulted before making such a statement.

The letter written in Punjabi, reads as follows:

File Video: Advocate Amar Singh Chahal interacts with SSN at Chandigarh:-