Floods Warning issued in Punjab by BBMB

General News

Bhakra Board issues floods warning in Punjab; Govt. to increase vigil along rivers, canals

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

July 11, 2013

Chandigarh, Punjab (July 11, 2013): It is learnt that the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) has issued a floods alert in Punjab. According to BBMB in wake of heavy snowmelt and rains in hills there is possibility of floods along Sutlej and Beas rivers.

According to a news reported in the Hindustan Times (HT): [a]ddressing newspersons, the BBMB chairman A. B. Agrawal said that due to heavy snowfall and rainfall in the catchment areas of Sutlej and Beas rivers, the inflows in Bhakra and Pong reservoirs this year were exceptionally high.

As per information the level of Bhakra reservoir as on July 10, 2013 was 1629.87 ft and Pong reservoir 1340.68 ft, which were respectively 84 ft and 48 ft higher in comparison to the year 2012, however, the level of Bhakra was higher by 24 ft in comparison to 2011 and that of Pong was 13 ft lower in comparison to 2011.

“Due to heavy rains and snowmelt this year – snowmelt has been highest of the last 23 years – we expect that the water inflow would be much and faster and some controlled spillage of water would have to be restored to’’, BBMB Chairman A. B. Agrawal reportedly said and added that for this purpose, the senior officers from partner states were meeting every alternate week besides regular meeting for taking the decision for regulated spills.

According to the Indian Express (IE): “[w]arning from Bhakra authorities today about release of excess water from the dam has prompted the Punjab government to increase vigil along the river and canal embankments in view of the monsoon”.