Capt Amarinder Singh (L) and Parkash Singh Badal (R) - [File Photo]

Political News

Capt Amrinder and Badal playing politics over the dead Hindus and Sikhs

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

February 07, 2014

Chandigarh/ Punjab (February 07, 2014): Dal Khalsa took both former CM Captain Amrinder Singh and Punjab CM Parkash Singh Badal to task for doing narrow selfish politics over the dead Hindus and Sikhs.

In a statement party spokesperson Kanwar Pal Singh said both were shedding crocodile tears on the deaths of Hindus and Sikhs before and after Blue Star era.

He said Amrinder left Congress to protest against Blue Star, however, after rejoining his parent body, his perception has changed.

He said after army attack in June 1984, Amrinder left Congress and join Akali bandwagon. “Both were sympathetic to Sikh cause. Both had live contacts with militants at that time. Both attended bhog ceremonies of militants killed in real and fake encounters. Badal signed the memo to United Nations seeking right to self determination for Sikhs, while Amrinder signed Amritsar declaration bordering Khalistan “.

Ironically, in the wake of militant movement touching a low, their positions changed. With Amrinder going back to his original fold, his interest and perception too changed”, said he. With Sikh struggle getting crushed, Badal’s politics too took a U-turn.

With the changed atmosphere and loyalty, Amrinder was showing sympathy with Hindus who were killed by militants. Similarly, Badal was raising voice for those Sikhs who were massacred by frenzied mobs engineered by Congressmen in Delhi and elsewhere.

He added that both have same past, betraying the cause they were attached with. He said both were fooling the electorate for partisan gains.