Sikh News

Dal Khalsa demands immediate demilitarisation of Kashmir and resolution to the conflict in consonance with Kashmiri people’s aspirations

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

July 22, 2016

Jalandhar: Dal Khalsa today demanded immediate demilitarisation of Kashmir and political resolution to the Kashmir conflict in consonance with the genuine aspirations of its people.

While Observing the Kashmir Solidarity day, the Dal Khalsa held a demonstration here today to raise their spirited voice against the killings of unarmed Kashmiri protesters and civilians in police firing and expressed its dismay over the mis(use) of pellet guns that had blinded the innocent children as young as four year old.

Hundreds of activists stood at city’s busiest Chowk holding Sikh flags, placards and banners to convey their message. They marched towards nearby Gurdwara and perform prayers to pay homage to victims who fell to the bullets of the armed forces in the valley ever since the death of a charismatic militant commander Burhan Wani that inspired rage among young Kashmiris and a violent response from the state authorities.

In its policy statement released during the protest the Dal Khalsa stated that the rightful aspirations of the people of Kashmir should be respected and they should be given the free, fair and unfettered opportunity to express their desire through the universally accepted right to self-determination.

One of the placard carried the message of ‘Sikh Nation stands with Kashmiri Nation’ and ‘Right to self-determination is alienable right of every nationality”. “Withdraw army, Return Kashmir to its people, repeal AFSPA and stop killing innocent civilians”, reads another one.

Party president Advocate Harpal Singh Cheema said no democracy can thrive through terror and domination. He said the violence, rape and maiming of the Kashmiri people was big blot on Indian democracy. He said the state terrorism can’t kill the genuine political aspirations of the people of Kashmir.

He said the right to self determination was an inalienable right and to talk and walk for that is a fundamental right of every nationality and people.

He advocated referendum for people of Kashmir, Punjab, Nagaland and other struggling peoples. He said the key to permanent peace in this sub-continent lies in granting right to self determination to all struggling peoples residing in peripheral states of India. He gave a call for united front comprising all minorities and ethnic peoples to fight jointly against common oppressor.

Senior leader H S Dhami said the civil administration in Kashmir was virtually non-existent and whatever was there was subservient to the Indian armed forces. He said the newly elected government under Mehbooba Mufti was merely a mask to shield and provide free run to the armed forces, which operates with impunity.

Taking strong view of the silence of the world powers on Indian atrocities against minorities and Dalits, party spokesman Kanwar Pal Singh said the so-called world democracies have shut their eyes on India’s poor record of Human Rights only to serve their economic interest. Hitting at Punjab’s political parties for maintaining studied silence, he said the AAP and SAD in Punjab must speak out whether they were with oppressor or oppressed people.

Activists of Akhand Kirtani Jatha (a religious body), Sikh Youth of Punjab and Sikh Students Federation also participated in the demonstration.