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Sikh News

Day 60 of Hunger Strike: Bapu Surat Singh losing weight despite force feeding under Police Custody

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

March 16, 2015

Ludhiana: Force-feeding of Sikh activist Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa, who is on hunger strike since January 16, continues under police custody at Civil Hospital Ludhaina. But Bapu Surat Singh is facing a dramatic deflation in his health.

As per reports doctors have stitched the food pipe on forehead and his nose and he is being administered glucose drip on regular basis. The family members of Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa maintains that he was being force-fed against his wishes.

However, the physique of Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa has started declining dramatically even after medical assistance.

The family alleges pressure from the government which want to terminate the struggle at any cost.

It may be recalled that Bapu Surat Singh (83) is on continuous hunger strike since January 16. He is demanding release of Sikh political prisoners who have already completed minimum mandatory terms of their sentences. Earlier another Sikh activist Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa had twice started “fast unto death” seeking release of these prisoners, but he ended his fast at one pretext or the other.

Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa says that he is determined to end his life if the government fails to respond to his call. “I am determined that I will not end my hunger-strike in any case unless the government releases the concerned Sikh political prisoners. It’s not only an issue of release of Sikh political prisoners, it’s also an issue of sanctity of Ardas of a Sikh”, Bapu Surat Singh has repeatedly declared.