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Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa serves “ultimatum” on Giani Gubachan Singh on Sikh political prisoners’ issue

Amritsar, Punjab (August 18, 2014): Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, who observed a 42-day fast seeking release of Sikh prisoners languishing in various jails last year, reached completed his foot journey and reached Akal Takht on August 17, where they submitted a memorandum at Akal Takht secretariat in absence of Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh.

Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa wanted to meet Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh, but he was away on a visit to Jammu and Kashmir. So, they submitted a memorandum to the Akal Takht secretariat and performed an ardas at Akal Takht Sahib for the well-being of Sikh political prisoners.

Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa submits memorandum at Akal Takht [August 17, 2014]

Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa and others, including kins of Sikh detainees who were released on parole earlier, had initiated the Qaumi Sikh Paidal Yatra (march on foot) from Gurdwara Sri Amb Sahib, Mohali, on August 10. The yatra culminated at Akal Takht Secretariat. The yatra aimed at creating awareness about illegal detention of Sikh political prisoners in Punjab and other parts of the country.

According to Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa another aim of the Yatra was to remind Jathedar Gurbachan Singh of his assurance over securing permanent release of six Sikh political prisoners. He said that he had ended his fast unto death last year only on assurance of Giani Gurbahchan Singh there Jathedar should either take steps for the permanent release of Sikh detainees, or leave the seat of Akal Takht Jathedar.

“I felt deceived by the sloppy attitude of Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh towards his promise of making arrangements for the permanent release of Sikh detainees languishing in various jails even after the expiry of their jail terms. If he expresses his inability to do it, he should give up the highest temporal seat,” he said.

Gurbaksh Singh Khasla countered by Amrik Singh Ajnala

Earlier, Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa faced stiff resistance from members of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Satkar group and Damdami Taksal Amrik Singh Ajnala faction. According to Daily Ajit, a Punjab vernacular, Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa accused Amrik Singh Ajnala for using derogatory language against him, however, Amrik Singh Ajnala on the other hand said that they had not used any derogatory language. Amrik Singh Ajnala accused Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa for aligning with the state government to finish off the momentum that was built on the issue of Sikh political prisoners last year.

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