Over Seas

Guru Granth Shaib World University VC not attending UCR conference by controversial Pashaura Singh

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

May 06, 2015

New York, NY: Dr. Gurmohan Singh Walia, vice-chancellor of Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University (SGGSWU – Fatehgarh Sahib) has announced that he will not be attending a University of California, Riverside conference. SGGSWU is owned by the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandak Committee (SGPC), Amritsar.

Dr. Walia was to offer Key Note address at the UCR conference that is being organised by a controversial person, Dr. Pashaura Singh.Pashaura Singh is infamous for his biased and baseless anti-Sikh research.

Assigning reasons for this decision to boycott the conference, Dr. Gurmohan Singh Walia said that the conference was being organised by a person (Dr. Pashaura Singh) who had attempted to challenge the authenticity of Guru Granth Sahib in his controversial and biased research thesis.

It may be recalled that Pashaura Singh had admitted his guilt in June 1994 before the Akal Takhtat Sahib. He had apologised in writing and he had given undertaking to correct his research and remove his baseless arguments which tend to challenge the authenticity of Guru Granth Shaib. After giving such an undertaking he did nothing to correct his mistake, rather he is still engaged in such activities.

It is notable that the Sikh Youth of America (SYA) had called for boycott of the controversial conference to be from May 8 to 10, 2015.

Gurinder Jeet Singh Manna, president of Sikh Youth of America (SYA), welcomed the decision of Dr. Gurmohan Singh Walia.

American Gurdwara Prabhandak Committee and management committees of Gurdwara Sahib (Fremont), Glenrock Gurdwara Sahib (New Jersey), Gurdwara Singh Sabha (Milpitas) and Gurdwara Sahib (Bradshaw) also praised Dr. Gurmohan Singh Walia’s decision to keep distance from the Pashaura Singh’s conference and for taking a clear stand on this issue.