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Hearing on CBI’s closure report in Jagdish Tytler case on Aug. 14

Jagdish Tytler (Indian politician who participated in organizing Sikh genocide 1984)

Jagdish Tytler (Indian politician who participated in organizing Sikh genocide 1984)

Jagdish Tytler

Jagdish Tytler, one of the former Indian ministers who are accused for their involvement in Sikh Genocide 1984

New Delhi: A Delhi court on Thursday (July 30) fixed August 14 for hearing a case in which the CBI has filed a closure report giving a clean chit to Congress leader Jagdish Tytler for his role in a case related to November 1984 Sikh carnage.

As per information Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate SPS Laler put the matter for next month as the lawyers in all the six district courts are on an indefinite strike to protest delay in passage of a bill in Parliament aimed at enhancing pecuniary jurisdiction of trial courts.

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