General News

Kashmiris welcome China’s move of issuing separate visas

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

October 02, 2009

Srinagar (October 02, 2009): According to some news reports China’s move of issuing separate hand written visas to Kashmiris on loose sheets of paper instead of Indian Passports has been welcomed by many residents in Kashmir. “We welcome this move by China. It will be very good. Other countries should also follow suit. It is good that they are making separate visas for Kashmiris,” said Muhammad Shafi, a school teacher.

For over a year now, China has been issuing visas on loose sheets of paper, and not stamped on their passports. China has so far issued around 100 such visas.

“This is the best step China has taken. This is a very good step. It is good that they are issuing separate visas to Kashmiris,” said Ghulam Nabi, a retired government employee.

India is not a Nation State and many distinct nationalities reside in this country. As the Indian State is denying the existence of various nationalities within India many of them are struggling to secure their distinct existence and Kashmiris are one of them. China’s move is a new development and other struggling Nations also see a ray of hope for their international recognition.

Meanwhile, India has conveyed its concern to the Chinese authorities. The issue came to the notice of India’s Bureau of Immigration, run by the Ministry of Home Affairs, when some Kashmiri students and businessmen were turned away initially assuming their visas to be fake but some of them returned with letters from the Chinese embassy declaring the visas to be genuine. The matter was then referred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India.