Kesri Lehar - the wave of justice

General News

Kesri Lehar to petition UK Prime Minister on Human rights violation in India

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

December 08, 2012

London, United Kingdom (December 08, 2012): On December 10, 2012, the Kesri Lehar (The Wave for Justice) will submit its Human Rights Petition with 118000 signatures to the Prime Minister’s Office to coincide with UN designated Human Rights Day.

This will be a historic occasion as a mass petition of this size has never been presented by the Panjabi community resident in the UK. The campaign has widespread support of many Sikh Gurdwaras and other respected institutions. This petition is a voice for those that have been silenced by India’s continual systematic abuse of Human Rights.

A large contingent of Kesri Lehar campaigners are expected from all over the country. The supporters travelling from far afield as Huddersfield, Leeds, Leicester, Birmingham, Coventry, Southall, Slough, East London, Gravesend, Southampton, Cardiff – will assemble at Richmond Terrace (opposite Downing Street) London at 2pm.

As per Sikh tradition a special Sikh prayer/supplication ‘the Ardas’ will be conducted at 2.20pm, immediately before the official 6 person delegation set off to submit the petition of the Kesri Lehar to 10, Downing Street (Prime Minister’s Office).

The delegation includes: the world’s oldest marathon runner, the 100 year-old Baba Fauja Singh; Dan Jones of Amnesty International (London); Maggie Bowden, the General Secretary of Liberation (Human Rights Group); Iqbal Singh of Panjabi Human Rights Internet; Father Yaqoob Khushi Pastor of the Asian Christian Fellowship will represent VOID (Voice of International Dalits); and Baldeesh Kaur a local activist and together they represent the various factions which constitute the Kesri Lehar in the UK. To show political solidarity various cross party MPs will also accompany this important Human Rights petition right up to the Prime Ministers door at number 10.

A public meeting is also scheduled to be held in committee room number 12 of House of the Commons from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm on December 10, 2012. Many MPs and guest speakers from various minority groups and human rights organisations will address the event. Over 80 MPs, Lords and the supporters of the campaign will take this opportunity to build momentum to invoke a debate in the House of Commons requesting the UK Government to use their friendly relations and urge India to end and redress the decades of abuse of human rights, which has taken countless lives of innocent citizens.