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Lawsuit Against Badal – “A Legal Bolt Of Lightning”: Sikhs For Justice

Sikhs for Justice

Ludhiana (September 13, 2012): The Sikhs for Justice has maintained that it’s lawsuit, ‘a legal bolt of lightning’ which hit the corrupt Punjab Chief minister Badal in Wisconsin, USA on August 8, 2012, seems to be a fulfillment of a prediction by a great 4th century B.C. Greek philosopher, Aristotle,which reads, “Life is full of chances and changes, and the most prosperous of men may in the evening of his days meet with great misfortunes”. The Wisconsin lawsuit is indeed, a misfortune for the ambitious Delhi- approved plans of octogenarian Badal and his uppity son to ‘tame’, the muscular Sikh community of North America

The former D.G. Punjab Police, the infamous Mohammad Izhar Alam, one of K. P. S Gill’s ‘boys’, who in the past murdered hundreds of Sikh Youth with his ‘Alam Sena black cats’, has been appointed, Chairman Punjab Wakf Board, by Badal, and tasked to forment a Sikh-Muslim rift, in Indian occupied Punjab over the touchy issue of rehabilitating long-abandoned Muslim Masjids in Sikh majority Punjab.

Justifying filing of the lawsuit Pannun, the legal advisor for Sikhs For Justice said that seeking relief under the ATCA and TVPA was motivated by an interest in seeking some form of justice for hundreds of victims who were killed extra judicially and have suffered torture during the tenure of Badal as Punjab CM. “The lawsuit will raise awareness to the international community regarding the torture and extrajudicial killings of Sikhs in the state of Punjab, India by the security forces and will send a strong message to political leaders that they will not be able to visit United States without being answerable to the International laws and the Courts for their role in gross human rights violations.” added attorney Pannun.

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