Protesters display placards during protest against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Sydney (Nov. 17, 2014_

World News

“Modi you have blood on your hands”: Indian PM faces protests in Sydney (Australia)

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

November 17, 2014

Sydney, Australia: Hundreds of protesters, mostly Sikhs, held a protest demonstration against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s presence in Sydney, Australia. The protesters were carrying placards in their hands saying “Modi you have blood on your hands” and “A lie doesn’t become truth, a wrong doesn’t become right, & evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority”.

Also Read: Narendra Modi’s presence in Melbourne (Australia) sparks protests

Some of the protesters were holding placards with a message seeking punishment for perpetrators of Sikh massacres of 1984 and the Gujrat carnage of 2002.

As the Indian Prime Minister will be visiting Cricket ground in Melbourne to attend a dinner hosted by Tony Abbott, members of the Sikh community and other Indian Minorities shall be holding a protest in Melbourne.

Previously there were protests against Narendra Modi during visit to the United States of America.

Narendra Modi faces allegations of pretetrating the carnage of around 2000 members of the Muslim minority who were massacred in 2002 while he was chief minister of Gujrat.