Wade M. Page - the killer of Wisconsin Sikh Gurudwara Shooting

Over Seas

Oak Creek Sikh Gurudwara terror striker had killed himself

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

August 28, 2012

Milwaukee (August 28, 2012): According to media reports it has been officially ruled that Wade Michael Page, who murdered six Sikhs in a terror strike on Oak Creek Sikh Gurudwara Sahib in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA) on August 05, 2012 – shot himself and died.

“Sikh temple shooter Wade Michael Page’s death has officially been ruled a suicide by the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s office” reports JSOnline.

The death of Page, who shot and killed six people and wounded four others on Aug. 5 as worshippers gathered at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek, originally had been reported as a homicide and in the hours after the mass shooting at the temple, it was believed that an Oak Creek police officer had taken Page, 40, down, killing him.

But days later, authorities said Page shot himself in the head with his handgun after the officer shot and wounded Page in the abdomen. That Oak Creek officer was later identified as Sam Lenda.