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Ontario’s NDP Deputy Leader Jagmeet Singh and Singh Khalsa Seva Club encourage all to donate this holiday season

Brampton: MPP Jagmeet Singh along with the Singh Khalsa Seva Club delivered four loads and over 2300 pounds of food in addition to blankets, to Knights Table on Sunday. Food donations were collected at Gurdwara Singh Sangat Brampton and Sri Guru Nanak Singh Centre for Gurpurab in November. The Singh Khalsa Seva Club and MPP Singh decided to drop off the food and blanket donations kindly brought together by the community in commemoration of the martyrdom of the fourth Sahibzada and for the upcoming holidays. Members from the club as young as six years old attended with the group on Sunday to drop off the good to Knights Table.

Homelessness in Peel continues to be a growing concern and the MPP Singh implores the current Liberal government to create a better action plan for affordable housing and assisting Ontarians who are struggling to pay the bills such as Hydro.

Ontario’s NDP Deputy Leader Jagmeet Singh and Singh Khalsa Seva Club encourage all to donate this holiday season

“With skyrocketing Hydro rates as a result of the Liberal government’s sale of Hydro One, people are finding it harder to make ends meet. Sadly this means more people are relying on soup kitchens and food banks,” stated Singh. “I am extremely proud of the members of the Singh Khalsa Seva Club for organizing this food and blanket drive and encourage other members of the community to take action as well,” continued Singh. Ontarian’s can reach out to their local MPP’s to request that the Liberal government stop the selloff of Hydro One.

Knights Table continues to need donations and volunteer support for the holidays. Everyone is encouraged to reach out to their local Gurdwara’s, food banks and communities to provide Seva as this cold weather continues into the holidays.

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