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Sikh News

Personification of Sikh Gurus through human actor or depiction through Animation, portraits or computer graphics is equally prohibited

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

March 27, 2015

Chandigarh: Makers of the Nanak Shah Fakir movie are taking a plea that they did not violate Sikh tenets as Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak Ji was depicted in Nanak Shah Fakir movie through computer graphics and no human actor has played the role of Guru Nanak ji in this movie.

However, there are unconfirmed reports making around over some internet websites and the social media networks that the role of Guru Nanak ji was played by some human actor in Nanak Shah Fakir movie.

Sikh Siyasat talked to various Sikh personalities on this issue and they said that the personification of Sikh Gurus through human actor or depiction through Animation, portraits or computer graphics was equally prohibited under Sikh tenets.

Talking to the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN), Sikh thinker and author S. Ajmer Singh said that depiction of Sikh Gurus through animation/ computer graphics/ portrait or cartoon is equally a depiction prohibited under Khalsa Panth’s traditions and tenets. “There is no different in depiction through human actor or personification through animation etc. It equally violates Panth’s long-standing stance against depiction of Sikh Gurus in any mode.”

Dr. Sewak Singh agreed also to the view that there was no difference in depiction of Sikh Gurus through human character or through computer graphics, portrait or animation.

S. Kanwarpal Singh of Dal Khalsa said any sort of depiction or personification of Sikh Guru Sahib was prohibited under Sikh tenets.

S. Prabhjot Singh, advisor of Sikh Youth of Punjab, also endorsed this view and said that computer graphics or animation was not something different from depiction of a character by human actor. What can not be shown through human actors, it can also not be depicted through other modes of presentation, be it computer graphics, cartoons or animation. Even portraits of Sikh Gurus is violation of Sikh tenets.

Makers of Nanak Shah Fakir are also invoking acceptance of “Chaar Sahibzaade” animation movie to their defense.

While talking to SSN over phone, Dr. Sewak Singh said that wrongful acceptance any such movie can not justify future attempts. If one sort of depiction somehow received acceptance, the efforts should be made to undo it and and question the acceptance of portraits of Sikh Gurus; and, in no case it could become a reference to justify future violations.

It may be recalled that Sikh Siyasat had raised alarm against depiction of Guru Sahib and Sahibzaadas in “Chaar Sahibzaade”.Sikh Siyasat’s editor S. Parmjeet Singh Gazi had talked to Sikh intellectual and author S. Ajmer Singh on Chaar Sahibzaade movie and the issue of depiction of Sikh Gurus in movies/ films.

Sikh Siyasat’s editor and former president of Sikh Students Federation (SSF) Parmjeet Singh Gazi said that the Sikh Students Federation had raised objections to initial cartoon movies [“Sahibzaadey” (2005) and Moola Khatri (2008)] depicting Sahibzaadas and Guru Nanak Ji.

“We had objected to depiction of Sahibzaadas and Guru Sahib in cartoon moives Sahibzaadey (2005) and Moola Khatri (2008). Memorandums were tendered to the SGPC and Jathedar of Akal Takht Sahib to take strong notice of these movies, but, unfortunately, this could not happen and the result is before everyone today”, said Parmjeet Singh.

Sikh Siyasat believes that the Sikh Panth should deliberate on this issue and stick to long standing position of the Panth prohibiting personification of the Sikh Guru Sahibs in audio/visual manner or through portraits.

For better understanding of the issue that why Panth had placed prohibition on personification of Sikh Gurus, we suggest our readers/ viewers to watch following videos. We will be bringing out more content on this issue. Viewers may share their views with SSN vie email at feedback (at) sikhsiaysat (dot) com :