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Police crackdown on Sikh activists: Many arrested ahead of march from Faridkot to Hassanpur

Faridkot/ Sadik: The district police reportedly arrested many Sikh activists to prevent them from holding a march from Faridkot to Hasanpur. Activists belonging to Sikh Student Federation (Mehta faction) were arrested in late night raids by Faridkot and Sadiq police while Baba Avtar Singh is a put under house arrest.

Sikh activists were to take out a march today (July 19) from Faridkot to village Hassanpur (near Ludhiana) to show solidarity and support for fasting a Sikh activist Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa. Bapu Surat Singh is on an indefinite hunger strike demanding release of Sikh political prisoners who have completed minimum mandatory terms of their jail sentences.

Photo Source: Punjabi Tribune [July 18, 2015]

Leaders and activists of SSF (Mehta), including Daler Singh Dode and Kuldeep Singh, were arrested in late night police raids. The police initially put Baba Avtar Singh Sadhanwala under house arrest but afterwards he was also arrested. The district police also installed check-posts on various roads leading to Ludhiana to prevent any bid to take out march to Hassanpur.

Local services told Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) that the march could not start due to police action.

Bandi Singhs Rihai Sangharsh Committee has strongly condemned the police action. Committee leaders said that the police is trying to crush their peaceful struggle for Sikh political prisoners.

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