Syed Ali Geelani [File Photo]

Political News

Pro-Freedom Kashmiri Leaders Put Under House Arrest Ahead of Nareandra Modi’s Kashmir Visit

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

May 19, 2018

Srinagar: Octogenarian Hurriyat patriarch Syed Ali Geelani continues to be under house arrest at his residence-cum-office in Hyderpora, while Tehreek-e-Hurriyat chairperson Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai has also been detained at his residence in Baghat Srinagar.

As per reports in Kashmiri media, the spokesperson of Hurriyat Conference (G), GM Gulzar, who himself has been detained by police at Kothi Bagh police station, told Kashmir Reader that Geelani was not allowed to offer congregational Friday prayers.

He said that besides Geelani, a number of Hurriyat activists and leaders have been detained ahead of PM Modi’s visit. A spokesperson of TeH said that barring two days, Sehrai has regularly been kept under house detention for the past two weeks.

Reports in Indian media state that the crackdown on pro-freedom Kashmiri leaders is taken in wake of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kashmir. The Indian administration has also imposed restrictions in parts of the Srinagar following their call to march towards Lal Chowk.