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Punjab bandh: impact of shutdown call visible since early hours

Sikh bodies have called for Punjab shutdown on March 28, 2012

Patiala, Punjab (March 28, 2012): Punjab bandh called by Sikh organisations to protest against proposed hanging of Sikh political prisoner Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana is visible in terms of it’s impact on routine life in Punjab since early hours. On March 27 at around 5pm when the news spread that Chandigarh court has again ordered the hanging of Bhai Rajoana on March 31, 2012 the markets in Amritsar, Patiala and other cities begun to shut down.

In early hours today the roads traffic was unusually low. A bus driver informed that he left the Patiala bus stand with just two passengers on board for Amritsar with first service to Amritsar. He said this is the busiest service but today I am on road with just two passengers.

Reports from Patiala, Amritsar, Jalandhar and Ludhiana reveal that activity on bus stands and roads is very low. Buses are not moving out from Jalandhar bus stand. A driver with a private transport said “we can not take risk to go on road for just two or three passengers”.

“It’s not just that there is risk on moving out, it’s the cause of bandh that forced me to cancel my time” another bus driver added.

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