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RSS And Conspiracies: Made For Each Other [by Shamsul Islam]

by Shamsul Islam*

RSS and its off springs are master conspirators. In fact, RSS as fountain head of the Hindutva politicsis a gurukul of teaching the art of how to conspire and where to execute the conspiracies. It thrives by hatching conspiracies to undermine truth and destroy its adversaries. RSS like any other fascist organization relies on intrigues and it is through conspiracies that it attempts to legitimize its nefarious agenda. The purpose is to turn victims into perpetrators.

The latest expose has come from Kerala. A leading English daily, The Indian Express wrote: “In what could be a major embarrassment for the BJP, a Yuva Morcha [youth wing of the RSS] leader apparently condemned a petrol bomb attack on the party’s Thiruvananthapuram office on the social media hours before the actual incident took place, triggering speculation that the attack was planned and executed by the saffron party itself.”[i] The Yuva Morcha leader Jayadev Hareendran Nair, a top RSS functionary in Kerala had put out three Facebook posts on Wednesday (June 7 at 8.01 am, 5.01 pm and 6.31 pm) condemning the attack on the BJP office where as the actual ‘attack’ took place between 8.30 pm and 9 pm.

There is a long history of RSS and its offshoots using such deceitful tactics. Many of these are documented even in the RSS publications. Central publication house of the RSS, Suruchi Prakashan, Delhi, published a book in 1997, titled Param Vaibhav Ke Path Par (ON THE ROAD TO GREAT GLORY) penned by Sadanand Damodar Sapre, a senior RSS functionary. This book contained details of more than 40 organizations created by the RSS for different tasks but more importantly it described how many of these organizations are run in a clandestine manner in order to execute hidden agendas.

[Image used for representational purpose only]

This publication showed that the whole RSS network ran like a well-organized mafia through its subsidiaries and satellites. There has always been a conscious attempt to create confusion about its different fronts which provide RSS with the opportunity to dissociate with any of these as per its convenience. For instance it used Hindu Jagaran Manch (HJM) for attacking Christians in late 1990s and when public opinion, media, judiciary and Parliament seemed to turn against it, RSS denied any relation with HJM. It created forums like HJM with what intention was made clear in this RSS publication in the following words:

“From the point of view of Hindu awakening this kind of forums [like Hindu Jagran Manch] at present are active in 17 states with different names like ‘Hindu Manch’ in Delhi, ‘Hindu Munani’ in Tamilnadu, ‘Hinduekjut’ in Maharashtra. These are forums, not associations or organizations,that are why it is not required to have membership, registration and elections.”[ii] (1) It is clear that such organizations with no record of membership, no registration and no internal elections are created by the RSS. Such an organizational model provides an opportunity to RSS to disown any individual or organization.

True to its nature RSS takes recourse to conspiracies often. It can be known by the following disclosure in Param Vaibhav Ke Path Par about a case in Delhi immediately after partition: “Swayamsevaks had posed to have adopted Musalman [sic] religion in order to gain the confidence of Delhi Muslim League for knowing their conspiracies.”[iii]

What these RSS swayamsevaks, impersonating as Muslims on the eve of Independence, were doing was made clear by none other than Dr. Rajendra Prasad who later became first President of the Indian Republic. In a letter to the first Home Minister of India, Sardar Patel, on March 14, 1948, he wrote:

“I am told that RSS people have a plan of creating trouble. They have got a number of men dressed as Muslims and looking like Muslims who are to create trouble with the Hindus by attacking them and thus inciting the Hindus. Similarly there will be some Hindus among them who will attack Muslims and thus incite Muslims. The result of this kind of trouble amongst the Hindus and Muslims will be to create a conflagration.”[iv]

The following passage from the autobiography of the first Home Secretary of UP, Rajeshwar Dayal, ICS, clearly shows the sinister and criminal designs of the RSS to organize a pogrom of Muslims in the western Uttar Pradesh (the largest province in the Indian Union) and thus break the unity of the country just on the eve of Independence.

“I must record an episode of a very grave nature when the procrastination and indecision of the UP Cabinet led to dire consequences. When communal tension was still at fever pitch, the Deputy Inspector General of Police of the Western Range, a very seasoned and capable officer, B. B. L. Jaitley, arrived at my house in great secrecy. He was accompanied by two of his officers who brought with them two large steel trunks securely locked. When the trunks were opened, they revealed incontrovertible evidence of a dastardly conspiracy to create a communal holocaust throughout the Western districts of the province. The trunks were crammed with blueprints of great accuracy and professionalism of every town and village in that vast area, prominently marking out the Muslim localities and habitations. There were also detailed instructions regarding access to the various locations, and other matters which amply revealed the sinister purport.

Greatly alarmed by those revelations, I immediately took the police party to the Premier’s [chief minister’s] house. There, in a closed room, Jaitley gave a full report of his discovery, backed by all the evidence contained in the steel trunks. Timely raids conducted on the premises of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) had brought the massive conspiracy to light. The whole plot had been concerted under the direction and supervision of the Supremo of the organization himself. Both Jaitley and I pressed for the immediate arrest of the prime accused, Shri Golwalkar, who was still in the area.

Pantji [G. B. Pant] could not but accept the evidence of his eyes and ears and expressed deep concern. But instead of agreeing to the immediate arrest of the ringleader as we had hoped, and as Kidwai would have done, he asked for the matter to be placed for consideration by the Cabinet at its next meeting. It was no doubt a matter of political delicacy as the roots of the RSS had gone deep into the body politic. There were also other political compulsions, as RSS sympathizers, both covert and overt, were to be found in the Congress Party itself and even in the Cabinet. It was no secret that the presiding officer of the Upper House, Atma Govind Kher, was himself an adherent and his sons were openly members of the RSS.

At the Cabinet meeting there was the usual procrastination and much irrelevant talk. The fact that the police had unearthed a conspiracy which would have set the whole province in flames and that the officers concerned deserved warm commendation hardly seemed to figure in the discussion.

What ultimately emerged was that a letter should be issued to Shri Golwalkar pointing out the contents and nature of the evidence which had been gathered and demanding an explanation thereof. At my insistence, such a letter if it were to be sent, should be issued by the Premier himself to carry greater weight. Panditji asked me to prepare a draft, which I did in imitation of his own characteristic style. The letter was to be delivered forthwith and two police officers were assigned for the purpose.

Golwalkar, however, had been tipped off and he was nowhere to be found in the area. He was tracked down southwards but he managed to elude the couriers in pursuit. This infructuous chase continued from place to place and weeks passed. 

 Came January 30, 1948 when the Mahatma, that supreme apostle of peace, fell to a bullet fired by an RSS fanatic. The tragic episode left me sick at heart.”[v]

The whole story of how RSS conspired with other Hindutva organizations to kill Gandhi on January 30, 1948, is available in the National Archives, Delhi.The RSS was banned on February 4, 1948 for murder of Gandhi. The banning order outlining the reason for it was very clear. “Undesirable and even dangerous activities have been carried on by members of the Sangh. It has been found that in several parts of the country individual members of the RSS have indulged in acts of violence involving arson, robbery, dacoity, and murder and have collected illicit arms and ammunition. They have been found circulating leaflets exhorting people to resort to terrorist methods, to collect firearms, to create disaffection against the government and suborn the police and the military.”[vi]

It was further corroborated by Sardar Patel in a letter (11 September 1948) to the head of the RSS, Golwalkar: “All their [RSS] speeches were full of communal poison. It was not necessary to spread poison in order to enthuse the Hindus and organize for their protection. As a final result of the poison, the country had to suffer the sacrifice of the invaluable life of Gandhiji. Even an iota of the sympathy of the Government, or of the people, no more remained for the RSS. In fact opposition grew. Opposition turned more severe, when the RSS men expressed joy and distributed sweets after Gandhiji’s death. Under these conditions it became inevitable for the Government to take action against the RSS…Since then, over six months have elapsed. We had hoped that after this lapse of time, with full and proper consideration the RSS persons would come to the right path. But from the reports that come to me, it is evident that attempts to put fresh life into their same old activities are afoot.”[vii]

Sardar Patel held Hindu Mahasabha and RSS jointly responsible for the murder of Father of the Nation. He underlined this fact in a letter to the prominent leader of Hindu Mahasabha, Shyama Prasad Mookerjee on July 18, 1948. Sardar wrote: “As regards the RSS and the Hindu Mahasabha, the case relating to Gandhiji’s murder is subjudiceand I should not like to say anything about the participation of the two organizations, but our reports do confirm that, as a result of the activities of these two bodies, particularly the former, an atmosphere was created in the country in which such a ghastly tragedy became possible. There is no doubt in my mind that the extreme section of the Hindu Mahasabha was involved in the conspiracy. The activities of the RSS constituted a clear threat to the existence of Government and the State. Our reports show that those activities, despite the ban, have not died down. Indeed, as time has marched on, the RSS circles are becoming more defiant and are indulging in their subversive activities in an increasing measure.”[viii]

It was no different in 1992 when RSS had conspired to demolish a historical mosque at Ayodhya. It had given undertaking to highest court of Justice, the Supreme Court and the then PM, Narsimha Rao that it would not touch the mosque on December 6, 1992. But it remained true to its conspiratorial way and mosque was demolished without any remorse. Likewise, there are strong reasons that the burning of a sleeper coach of Sabarmati Express at Godhra railway station on February 27, 2002 in which 59 innocent passengers were burnt alive by a ‘mob of Muslims’ was a Hindutva conspiracy. It triggered genocide of Muslims in Gujarat and ensured victory of Narendra Bhai Modi as CM of Gujarat in December 2002. It was interesting to note that ‘Hindu reaction’ to ghastly killing of ‘kar-sevaks’ at Godhra remained confined to Gujarat only where assembly elections were due. There was no anti-Muslim violence in the heavily Hindu populated areas touching borders of Gujarat in MP, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. Who benefitted by the burning of coach at Godhra is an issue which needs deep study.

Now with a government mainly constituted of RSS cadres this juggernaut of conspirators is in full steam. The latest conspiracy in Kerala is to defame the left-front government in Kerala and create a situation of instability which can pave way for central intervention. Such nefarious Hindutva politics can be checked only by a united response from Indians who are committed to a democratic-secular India.

* Shamsul Islam  is a retired Professor of University of Delhi.Email:


[ii] Sadanand Damodar Sapre, Param Vaibhav Ke Path Par, Suruchi Prakashan, Delhi, 1997, p. 28.

[iii] Ibid. p. 86.

[iv] Rajendra Prasad to Sardar Patel (March 14, 1948) cited in Neerja Singh (ed.), Nehru Patel: Agreement Within Difference—Select Documents & Correspondences 1933-1950, NBT, Delhi, p. 43.

[v] Rajeshwar Dayal, A Life of Our Times, Delhi, 1999, pp. 93-94.

[vi] Justice on Trial, RSS, Bangalore,  pp. 65-66.

[vii] Ibid. pp. 26-28.

[viii] Letter 64 in Sardar Patel: Select Correspondence 19451950, Volume 2, Navjiwan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1977, pp. 276-277.

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