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General News

SGPC, SSF oppose Jay Leno’s remark

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

January 23, 2012

Amritsar, Punjab (January 23, 2012): Shiromani Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee (SGPC) spokesperson Kiranjit Kaur, on behalf of SGPC, has objected to Jay Leno’s remark about Darbar Sahib, Amritsar.

“Jay leno’s depiction of Darbar Sahib in his show is in a very poor taste and a lot of Sikhs who have already protested against it, they have already asked for Jay Leno’s apology and I am sure that he will apologizes one he realizes that he has hurt religious sentiments of so many people” Kiranjit Kaur is shown to have said by NewsX channel.

Similarly Sikh Students Federation has also lashed out at NBC comedian for his remarks. “It is unfortunate and hurting. He might be ignorant about the significance of Sri Darbar Sahib but this could not condone his guilt” a SSF representative, Pardeep Singh Poadhi, told Sikh Siyasat over phone. “SSF fully support the efforts of Sikh diaspora members proceeding against Jay Leno to protest against his comment on NBC broadcast on 19th of January” he added.

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