Sikh Council UK [File Photo]

Over Seas

Sikh Council UK Issue a briefing on EU Court Headscarves Judgment

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

March 17, 2017

London: Sikh Council UK today published a briefing on the Judgment handed down by the European Court of Justice regarding the legality of employers prohibiting of visible manifestations of religious belief in the workplace.

Secretary General Elect of the Sikh Council UK Jagtar Singh said “There have been conflicting headlines in the popular press about what the Judgment means so the Sikh Council UK has undertaken a review of outcome of the case including from a legal perspective to aid better understandings of the position. We are very concerned by this Judgment and at the general direction of travel of religious rights in the workplace across Europe and will be raising the matter with a number of stakeholders”.

He added “If anyone encounters problems at work with their articles of faith or otherwise in connection with their religious identity we would request they get in touch with the Sikh Council UK without delay”.

Sikh Council UK Briefing on EU Court Headscarves Judgment: