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Sikh Political Prisoner Balwant Singh Rajoana Taken To Rajindra Hospital

Patiala: As per the media reports death row convict Sikh political prisoner Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana here on Friday was taken to the Rajindra Hospital due to severe pain in his joints. The police arranged stringent security arrangements while commuting Bhai Rajoana to the hospital.

Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana in police custody [File Photo]

It was reported by the media that Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana expressed his anguish over delaying of the decision on the reconciliation plea filed by the SGPC with the President of India.

He was awarded death penalty in the assassination case of the former Chief Minister, Beant ‘Singh’. The  Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhik Committee (SGPC) had moved a reconciliation plea before the President of India in March 2012, seeking the commuting of Bhai Rajoana’s death sentence to life imprisonment. The plea is still pending before the President of India.

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