Letters to Editor

Sikhs Nation’s blood donation drive in the memory of Sikh Genocide 1984

By editor

November 08, 2012

This weekend the Sikh community remembered and paid homage to thousands of innocent lives lost in 1984 Sikh Genocide. Certain volunteers of our community have started a very good campaign to remember and pay homage to innocent lives lost. They have started the Blood Donation drive to save innocent lives. This drive was started in Vancouver in 1999, but thanks to our volunteers hard work this Blood Donation drive is becoming very popular in various countries. Sikh community all around the world, has started to donate blood as a way to remember and pay homage to the innocent lives lost in 1984 Sikh Genocide. Since this Blood Donation drive was started, it has been able to save 67000 lives just in BC. And now this drive will be saving lives in many other countries.

Where as this Blood Donation drive is saving lives in various countries. But at the same time it is letting the world know about the 1984 Sikh Genocide when thousands of innocent persons were killed by mobs led by ruling congress party leaders. The ruling Congress Govt. has always justified those killings by saying it was reaction of people for Indira Gandhi’s death. But we have seen many tragedies in the world but the ruling Govts. have never allowed innocent killings as a reaction. The big 9/11 tragedy in USA when thousands of innocent persons lost their lives, there was no reaction of mobs killing minorities. There were a few isolated hate crime incidents against minorities, but Govt. acted quickly to save lives and punished the guilty persons.

But India is the only country where thousands of innocent persons were killed by mobs led by congress leaders, & The Govt. has fully justified those innocent killings and so far in 28 years has failed to punish the guilty persons or provide any justice to the victim families. But this Blood Donation drive is making world aware of 1984 Sikh Genocide and Indian Govt’s failure to provide justice to the victim families and punish the guilty.

We’ll like to thank all the volunteers and participants for making this Blood donation drive a huge success. It was specially very good to see our younger generation working hard as volunteers and donating blood to save innocent lives. And learning that working to save lives is the best thing they can do in their lives as human beings.

by: Kanwal jit Singh Gill Surrey, B.C