Sikh Federation of Australia

General News

Two more students attacked in Australia; Irresponsible reporting by Indian Media is making the situation tense –SFA

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

January 27, 2010

Melbourne (January 27, 2010): The situation of students of Indian origin in Oz is turning worse as recurring reports of fresh attacks are coming out. As per reports from Melbourne (Australia), two more students of Indian origin were attacked by some mischievous elements on 26 January, here.

The two victims, aged 20 and 22, told the police they were attacked by a group of persons on Swanston Street in Melbourne Central on Monday night.

“There are some idiots out there who perpetrated terrible attacks on some Indian students,” Immigration Minister Chris Evans said.

While the one with injuries on an ear was taken to St Vincent’s Hospital, the other did not require hospital treatment, an AAP report said.

“Eight people were arrested this morning [on Tuesday], with another man picked up later in the day. Of the nine arrested, five youths have been charged with affray, intentionally causing injury and summary assault offences,” a Victorian police statement said. The four others have been released, pending further investigation.

On the other hand, taking an exception to the popular Indian view that these attacks are racially motivated, the Sikh Federation of Australia has accused Indian media for its’ alleged negative reporting on the issue. In a letter sent of Prime Minister of India and CM of Punjab, the SFA, has admitted that some mischievous persons do attack students of Indian origin; but racism could not be said to be a motivation behind all attacks.

“Irresponsible reporting by Indian media and blanket blames on Australian people & the Government authorities are not going to help the victims here. Indian media term these attacks as motivated by racism without even bothering to collect full facts related to the incidents.” said Jaspreet Singh, President of Melbourne unit of SFA. “All this is leavening very bad impression; and as a result attacks are increasing.” he added.