Over Seas

US SCA Expresses Deep Concerns About Safety of Sikhs in Afghanistan

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

April 09, 2020

Washington: The US Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA) has expressed deep concerns about the safety of Sikhs in Afghanistan.

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia (SCA) tweeted: “I remain deeply concerned about the safety of the Sikh community in #Afghanistan. Afghan Sikhs have long been an integral part of the multicultural tapestry of Afghanistan, and Afghans must come together now to ensure the security of religious minorities”.

I remain deeply concerned about the safety of the Sikh community in #Afghanistan. Afghan Sikhs have long been an integral part of the multicultural tapestry of Afghanistan, and Afghans must come together now to ensure the security of religious minorities. AGW

— State_SCA (@State_SCA) April 8, 2020

Sikhs in Afghanistan were attacked by bombers and gunmen on March 25 while they were worshipping in a Gurdwara Sahib in Kabul. Twenty five Sikhs, including women and children were killed in this attack.

The attack, claimed by ISIL (ISIS), is condemned globally by governments, political and religious leaders.

The Sikh population in Afghanistan was more than 200,000 in the 1990s. Due to persecution faced by the Sikhs in the trouble-torn region, now only a few hundred Sikhs are left in Afghanistan.