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Amritpal Singh’s 4 Day Temporary Release for Oath Taking: All You Need to Know

Amritsar/Chandigarh: The District Magistrate of Amritsar has approved the temporary release of Amritpal Singh, a National Security Act (NSA) detainee, for the purpose of taking his oath as a member of the 18th Lok Sabha. Amritpal Singh, who represents the Khadoor Sahib Parliamentary Constituency, is currently held at the Central Jail in Dibrugarh, Assam.

As per documents accessed by the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) the order, dated July 3, 2024, follows a request from Amritpal Singh dated June 11, 2024, and is sanctioned under Section 15 of the NSA Act, 1980. He is granted temporary release from July 5, 2024, for up to four days, to enable him to attend the oath-taking ceremony in New Delhi.

The temporary release is contingent upon certain conditions.

Police Escort: As per the order, Amritpal Singh will be escorted by an appropriate number of police personnel as determined by the Senior Superintendent of Police, Amritsar (Rural). This includes the journey from Central Jail Dibrugarh to New Delhi and back.

Parliament Security: While in the precincts of the Parliament, Amritpal Singh will be accompanied by police or other security personnel as authorized by the Secretary General of Lok Sabha.

Restricted Movement: Amritpal Singh is restricted to New Delhi and is not allowed to enter any other territorial jurisdiction during his temporary release. 

No Statements or Actions: As per the conditions Amritpal Singh must refrain from any actions or statements that could be prejudicial to India’s “national security”. This includes restrictions on video or audio recordings.

Letter Of temporary release of NSA detenue Bhai Amritpal Singh for taking oath as Member of Parliament

Family Meetings: Relatives, as defined under the Punjab Detenue (Condition of Detention) Order, 1981, are allowed to meet Amritpal Singh during his stay in New Delhi.

Timing & Term Crucial: 

The timing of Amritpal Singh’s release is crucial as significant shifts are occurring in the Sikh electoral politics of Punjab. Notably Amritpal Singh’s family has taken on the role of his political front during his incarceration, making their meetings with him particularly important. The four day temporary release may allow critical discussions and planning, which could influence upcoming political maneuvers and decisions. 



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