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Kashmir turned into ‘valley of tragedies’: Shabir Shah

(L) Kashmir Youth Being used as Human Shield, (R) Major Leetul Gogoi awarded for his act.

Srinagar (May 23, 2016): Strongly reacting against the honouring of Indian Army’s Major Leetul Gogoi for using a Kashmiri youth as a shield by tying him to the bonnet of a jeep last month, the incarcerated chairman of Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) Shabir Ahmad Shah on Tuesday said world should take serious note of the matter.

Pro-freedom Kashmiri leader in a statement issued to press said the incident is tantamount to rubbing salt to the injuries of Kashmiris and ‘makes it clear that Indian rulers will neither shun their ill-mindset nor will they ever respect the humanity’.

He urged the world community to take note of how Indian army plays with the lives of civilians in the occupied territory.

Farooq Ahmad Dar tied to the front of a military jeep on 9 April. Source: FirstPost

“At a time when world is strictly championing for the human rights, Indian army at the behest of New Delhi is committing worst kind of human rights violations in occupied Jammu Kashmir where civilians are being used as shields. This monstrous activity if not stopped may devour humanity in Kashmir,” he maintained.

The using of human as a shield is a clear violation of the Geneva Convention and UN Charter, Shah said, and called for making India accountable for the war crimes it has been committing in held-Kashmir besides demanded probe against the involved army officer.

“The incident is not the first case of human rights violation by Indian armed, but there are thousands of such cases by occupational forces that may put the humanity to shame. For the last 70 years in general and 27 years in particular, Indian forces have been carrying thousands of custodial killings and destroyed properties worth trillions,” he said.

Commenting on the use of lethal weapons by occupational forces against innocent civilians in Kashmir, Shah said the New Delhi and its forces are unmoved by the reports released by the international human rights bodies against India.

He termed it extremely unfortunate the silence maintained by the United Nations on the continuous use of pellets and pava shells in Kashmir saying the Kashmir has been turned into a ‘valley of tragedies’ by India.

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