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Modi epoch: Amit Shah set to head BJP

New Delhi, India (July 08, 2014): According to media reports Amit Shah, a close aide of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is all set to be the new Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) president. The Hindutva supremacist Party’s highest decision-making body, the Parliamentary Board, expected to announce his name tomorrow (9 July).

As per media reports Amit Shah will take over from Rajnath Singh, who is now the Home Minister of India and has announced he will relinquish his BJP role in keeping with the party’s “one-man, one-post” formula.

Amit Shah

Amit Shah was the party strategist instrumental in scripting BJP’s massive victory in the north, especially in the politically key state of Uttar Pradesh, where it won 71 of the total 80 seats.

The RSS, BJP’s ideological fountainhead, is also keen that the party should not be weakened after government formation.

RSS has already deputed two of its key leaders — Ram Madhav and Shiv Prakash — to work for BJP and new roles for the both of them will be assigned by the new party chief. The two are likely to get key roles in the revamped party set-up with Madhav likely to be the new party general secretary.

The likely announcement of Amit Shah’s name as BJP president will come after RSS’s nod for the same.

According to Financial Express (FE) Narendra Modi, who was himself a full-time RSS ‘pracharak’ (organiser), was earlier deputed by RSS to work for BJP.

“Party leaders feel that after After Shah becomes the BJP chief, the link between the party and the government would be further strengthened as he is considered to be a close aide to the Prime Minister and has “direct” links with the powers-that-be in the government”, FE report reads further.

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