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Modi Govt. planning to link rivers, whereas Punjab CM wants it to follow riparian law

Chandigarh/ Punjab (June 11, 2014): Narendra Modi led BJP government is planning to revive the project of linking rivers, but the chief minister of Punjab Parkash Singh Badal has called upon the Centre to give due weightage to the riparian law while deciding inter-state water issues.

He was answering queries on the proposed ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana’ on inter-linking river-waters mentioned by the President while addressing a joint session of Parliament.

A view of Hansi-Butana Canal. The project is waiting to be linked to Bhakhra Main Line near Samana (Punjab). [File Photo]

It is notable that the idea of linking the rivers is per se violative of riparian rule.

The Indian President had said the government would consider “all options, including linking of rivers, where feasible, for optimal use of water resources to prevent recurrence of floods and drought.”

The controversial project of linking of rivers was a task that was considered to be left unfinished during Atal Bihari Vajpayee led NDA-I.

Punjab is a victims of loot of river water as a major share of it’s river water was allocated/ re-allocated, from time to time, to non-riparian states of Rajasthan, Delhi and Haryana by the Central government of India.

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