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Indian Flag Ripped During London Protest; Sikh Federation UK Says No Need to Over-React

London: Indian tricolour flag was ripped off at Parliament Square in London during protest against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s presence in London for Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

A number of groups, including Kashmiri and Sikh diaspora groups, Anti-Caste activists groups, Women’s Rights Groups and Groups of Minorities in India staged protest against India to protest against ‘repression of minorities and atrocities against Dalits, downtrodden and women in India’.

A view of London protest against Indian PM Narendra Modi

Indian media that was initially ignoring the news reports about protests against the Indian PM, has highlighted the incident of ripping off the flag. As per reports in the Indian Media, UK’s Foreign office has expressed ‘disappointment’ over the incident.

On the other hand, the Sikh Federation UK has said that there was no need to over-react over this incident.

“Does removal of the Indian flag in London matter more than the lives of millions of innocent men, women and children belonging to minorities or lower castes in India who are being killed, attacked and raped on a daily basis?”, the Sikh diaspora groups said.

S. Amrik Singh Gill, Chairman of Sikh Federation UK [File Photo]

Bhai Amrik Singh, Chair of the Sikh Federation (UK), in response to the over reaction to protesters taking down the Indian flag in Parliament Square and statements issued by the Metropolitan Police and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said:

“The impromptu removal of the Indian flag by protesters in Parliament Square yesterday towards the end of the demonstration was intended to make a political point against the policies of the Narendra Modi led Indian government that is killing and attacking innocent men, women and children belonging to minorities in India.”

“Judging by the speed of reaction of Narendra Modi’s government, Indian politicians and officials and certain figures in the Indian media in criticising British police officers and protesters it is clear they have completely missed the point.”

“They want British police officers and protesters to be immediately punished and have demonstrated they are more concerned about the removal of the Indian flag than recognising and addressing the atrocities committed in India on a daily basis that the protesters were highlighting.”

“Narendra Modi simply turns a blind eye to the intimidation, killings, atrocities and rape carried out by his supporters.”

“We understand the UK government and the police are under pressure from the Indian government to take strict action against protesters, but they need to respect the right to peacefully protest and be sensitive to the reasons why some reacted by removing the Indian flag.”

“Some will conclude the act by protesters of removing the Indian flag was disrespectful, but how can this simple act of defiance be compared to promoting and protecting killers and rapists by those in power in India.”

“Surely Indian politicians are the ones disrespecting their positions and the country they represent.”

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