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Western Perspective And its Influence on Sikhs.

Gurmat Ate Sikh Twarekh Bunga Sri Amritsar Sahib, an academic and research center based in Amritsar, is hosting a series of discussions to explore and analyze Western ideology and its impacts. This initiative aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Western thought influences various aspects of society.

The first discussion in this series took place recently (on 25th August 2024) at the New Press Club in Amritsar. It brought together a diverse group of academicians, researchers, and scholars who presented their papers and engaged in meaningful dialogue Prabhjot Singh, Editor of the Panth-Punjab Project presentation, “Western Perspective and Its Influence on Sikhs,” emphasized the importance for Sikhs to grasp the nuances of Western societal policies. He argued that understanding these policies is crucial for Sikhs to navigate their interactions with Western societies effectively.

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