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Defying Hate: The Sikh Way Forward

June 25, 2024 | By

Over the last two days, the surge of unhinged coordinated hate and vitriol against Sikhs, has reminded every Sikh parent to commit to four key principles for themselves and their kids:

  1. Gurbani/Guru’s Word:* Immerse in the wisdom of the Gurus. Meditate daily, understanding that life is a continuum. This phase is neither the beginning nor the end. The world is burning with hate, it needs saintly men/women more than ever.
  2. Twarikh/History:* Read and narrate Pracheen Panth Prakash. Sikhs have faced these challenges before. Learn from our forefathers’ experiences and navigation.
  3.  Shaster/Bear Arms:* In every century, tyrants will try to and every once in a while be successful in pinning us to the wall – individually or as a group, leaving the only choices to fight or live undignified. When our time has come, let Gurbani guide us to choose the former. “ਜਬ ਆਵ ਕੀ ਅਉਧ ਨਿਦਾਨ ਬਨੈ ਅਤਿ ਹੀ ਰਨ ਮੈ ਤਬ ਜੂਝ ਮਰੋਂ ॥” The saint soldier concept is fundamental to Sikh faith and neither is complete without the other.
  4.  Continue seeding Love and Seva:* Don’t let hateful individuals from any community break your bonds with friends of that community. Hold firm to your convictions while empathizing with others’ experiences. Broken bonds are exactly what the hateful seek. Our Guru formed us to aid those in need, which terrifies tyrants. The attacks on Sikhs are a reaction to the farmers’ protest, which demonstrated governance driven by empathy, equality, and goodness for all. This idea getting seeded in people’s mind and the solidarity scared supremacists and the greedy. May Gurbani’s love for Sarbat prevail beyond faith, creed, and caste. The coordinated virtual attacks indicate we are winning hearts on the ground. I’ve seen this in India, talking to students from various states visiting gurdwaras in Canada and US, and having business conversations people from diverse communities across North America. Let our conduct, not just our words, speak for us.

To our Hindu brothers, we love you, as we do all of the Creator’s creation—including Muslims, Christians, Jews, atheists, friends, and enemies. Don’t let virtue less and hateful individuals represent you or be the loudest voices from your community, online or in real life. What we sow, we shall reap.

शयानं चानुशेते हि तिष्ठन्तं चानुतिष्ठति ।
अनुधावति धावन्तं कर्म पूर्वकृतं नरम् ॥

The Karma of previous deeds sleeps along with he sleeps, sits along with he who is awake, runs along with he who runs.

Deg Teg Fateh!

* This writeup first appeared on the “X” handle @arvinderkang. It is republished here for the information of readers of Sikh Siyasat News.

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