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Former SSF President gets bail, release expected in coming days

May 12, 2011 | By

Mansa (May 11, 2011): Bhai Mandhir Singh, former president of Sikh Students Federation, got bail in Mansa case. Mandhir Singh was arrested by Mansa police on 18 January, 2011. His arrest had raised many questions on working of Punjab police and later developments seems to affirm the allegation that police was working under political pressure.

Advocate Ajit Singh Bhangu, counsel of Bhai Mandhir Singh, informed “SikhSiyasat Network” that the police failed to file chargesheet against Mandhir Singh with in 90 days’ statutory time limit. He informed that his arrest seemed to be motivated by other considerations than legal, because arrest was attached to a case already on trial for more than eighteen months, before the arrest of Mandhir Singh. “Whole file of this case, including the chargesheet filed by the police, did not even mention Mandhir Singh’s name, but suddenly after arresting him the police started claiming that he was ‘wanted’ in this case.” Bhangu added.

SSF president Paramjeet Singh Gazi and vice-president Makhan Singh Gandhuan has expressed satisfaction over the decision of the Mansa court.

Advocate Jaspal Singh Manjhpur, youth leader of Panch Pardhani, informed that though bail has been accepted by the court but it may take few days to complete the paper work for his release. He said that release of Bhai Mandhir Singh would give a boost to party’s activities and preparations of upcoming SGPC elections.

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