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Avtar Singh Khanda

Shaheedi Samagam Held in Memory of Avtar Singh Khanda and Hardeep Singh Nijjar at Baba Atal

A Shaheedi Samagam was held at Baba Atal, near the Darbar Sahib complex, on June 15 to honor the memories of Shaheed Avtar Singh Khanda and Shaheed Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

Shaheedi Samagam to Mark Memory of Avtar Singh Khanda on 15 June

Amritsar: In a tribute to the late Bhai Avtar Singh Khanda, a Shaheedi Samagam is scheduled to take place on June 15th at Baba Atal ...

Rishi Sunak and the UK Government is Putting British Sikh Lives in Danger

In a press release by the Sikh Federation UK, it is said that the organization’s Principal Adviser Dabinderjit Singh has criticized the risk of the extreme Hindutva ideology that is allegedly being exported by the current Indian government across the globe.

Sikhs, Panjab, India & the Diaspora: Locating Current Crisis

The Sikh Research Institute has recently released a report titled ‘Sikh, Panjab, India & the Diaspora: Locating Current Crisis’. 

UK Government has Silenced British Intelligence Concerned About the Safety and Security of British Sikh Activists

It is now clear from the intelligence, law enforcement agencies and governments in the US and Canada (and Pakistan) that the current Indian government led by right wing extremists does not respect the rule of law and the sovereignty of other nations.

India’s Assassination Campaign of Freedom Seeking Sikhs Across the World

We have now learned that India’s terror campaign of killing freedom seeking Sikhs across the world includes targets in the world’s most powerful country, the United States of America. The Financial Times, a newspaper in the United Kingdom, reported on 21 November 2023 that an assassination attempt on Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, General Counsel of Sikhs For Justice, a group advocating an independent Sikh state called Khalistan.

Deteriorating Human Rights Situation in India Urgently Requires a Special Rapporteur: Sikh Groups Urge UN

Sikh representatives from across the globe will be holding a rally in Geneva outside the United Nations on Friday 13 October from 1-4pm.

India has to be held accountable in Sikh’s death in Canada

Last week Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, told the country’s Parliament that his government had “credible reasons” to believe that agents of the Indian government may have killed a Sikh Canadian citizen, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, on Canadian soil.

India Has Been Killing People Silently and It’s Time For Justice: SCCEC & AGPC

Sikh Coordination Committee East Coast (SCCEC) and American Gurdwara Parbhandak Committee (AGPC), the apex Sikh organizations in USA thank the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for steadfastly standing with the Sikhs.

Antim Sanskar of Avtar Singh Khanda held in England by Sangat

Last rites of slain Sikh activist Bhai Avtar Singh Khanda were held in Birmingham (England) on August 12 by the Sikh sangat, representatives of Sikh organizations and companions of Avtar Singh. Thousands of Sikhs participated in his last rites.

UK Refuses Visa to Family Members of Slain Sikh Activist Avtar Singh Khanda

British authorities have reportedly refused visa to mother and sister of Sikh activist Avtar Singh Khanda. Avtar Singh Khanda died in a hospital in UK on June 15, 2023. He is survived by his mother and sister who live in (East) Punjab in India. 

Sikh Activist Avtar Singh Khanda Passed Away in England

Sikh activist Avtar Singh Khanda, who was active in England for past several years, has passed away. As per initial reports, Avtar Singh Khanda was hospitalized where it was diagnosed that his white blood cell count was very low.