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Freedom Rally

“Kaurnama: The Untold Story of Shaheed Sikh Women” Released at London Freedom Rally

Thousands of Sikhs from across the United Kingdom convened in London on June 16 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Teeja Ghallughara, the June 1984 attack on Darbar Sahib (Amritsar) and other Sikh Gurdwaras.

Thousands of UK Sikhs Mark 40 Years of June 1984; Hold Freedom Rally in London

Thousands of Sikhs on Sunday (16th June 2024) marked the 40th anniversary of the June 1984 Sikh Genocide by marching through London and holding a Freedom Rally in Trafalgar Square.  The first march and rally took place in London 40 years ago on 10 June 1984.