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Sikh Diaspora

Memories of 1984 Sikh Genocide and Denial of Justice continue to traumatize and infuriate

Vancouver (November 7, 2010): For Gian Singh, President of the Dashmesh Darbar Gurdwara in Surrey, memories of 1984 remain as clear as ever and resurfaced just last week when he shared his experience with me.

Memorandum Submitted to United Nations by Sikhs for Justice

This is copy of memorandum submitted by Sikhs for Justice to United Nations regarding Sikh Genocide 1984.

Sikh Genocide 1984: Sikh Youth say ‘We will never forget’

OVER one thousand people gathered at a banquet hall in Surrey last Sunday to remember the innocent victims who were murdered in the state-organized massacre against Sikhs in Delhi in 1984, which has been defined as a Sikh genocide. Several community leaders, representatives of various gurdwaras, families and, in particular, youth came out to listen to the guest speakers share their views, memories and experiences of 1984.

SJF says: Head-Scarf is a non-issue – Obama Shies away from Paying Tribute to Innocent Sikhs Massacred at Darbar Sahib in June 1984

New York (October 21, 2010): Reacting to the President Obama's refusal to visit Darbar Sahib (Amritsar), Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), a human rights advocacy group backed by hundreds of Sikh Gurudwaras across North America stated that cancellation of visit by President is not due to headscarf issue as Indian lobbyists want everyone to believe but instead President has shied away from speaking about and paying tribute to the thousands of innocent pilgrims who were murdered in Darbar Sahib (Amritsar) by Indian Army in June 1984.

Sikhs Protest against Indian Minister Kamal Nath; Forced to move the Round Table Session

London (September 28, 2010): On the visit of Indian Minister Kamal Nath's visit to London, Sikh Federation ,UK today organized a successful protest outside the Crowne Plaza Hotel in St. James (45-51 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AF) between 11am and 3pm.The motive of Kamal Nath's visit to London was to attend a Round Table Session on Highways Infrastructure at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Human Rights Group raised “Sikh Genocide” issue with US President

Philadelphia (September 20, 2010): In the wake of President Barack Obama's upcoming visit to India in November 2010 during which he will also visit Golden Temple, a delegation of "Sikhs For Justice", a human rights advocacy group met President Barack Obama on September 20, 2010 in Philadelphia to apprise him about the "Sikh Genocide".

Akal Takhat Jathedar Solicited U.S. Law Makers’ Support For Recognition of “Sikh Genocide”

New York (30 August, 2010): Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh while addressing the "Sikh Genocide" conference in New York declared that killing of Sikhs in 1984 was "Genocide" because it was a planned effort to eradicate Sikh religion. Jathedar who specially came to New York to address the conference organized by "Sikhs for Justice" solicited the support of US law makers to help the Sikhs in persuading the United States government to recognize the Sikh Genocide.

Sikh Genocide Conference held by Canadian Sikhs on 15 August

Ontario (August 15, 2010): Canadian Sikhs under the patronage of Shri Akal Takhat Sahib marked August 15th, Independence Day of India, as "Sikh Genocide" day. "Sikh Genocide" Conference was organized by Sikhs For Justice, a based human rights advocacy group, is spearheading an international justice awareness campaign and striving to disseminate true and correct information regarding the Genocide of Sikhs from 1984-1998 to the international community with the support of All India Sikh Students Federation.

SSF welcomed move to get recognition for Sikh Genocide

Patiala (June 13, 2010): The Sikh Students Federation, a Punjab based organization of Sikh Students, has welcomed the move undertaken by Sikhs in Canada to get recognition for Sikh massacre of November 1984 as 'Genocide' under International Criminal Law, to be specific under Article 2 of U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Sikh Genocide (1984) Canadian Sikhs Successfully Introduce Petition Protesting Human Rights Abuse in India

Canada (June 10, 2010): After being blocked by the Conservative government yesterday, Canadian Sikhs were able to introduce a petition asking Canada to recognize the November 1984 killing of Sikhs as "Genocide" as defined in Article 2 of the UN Convention on prevention and punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Human Rights Group Recognizes the Hon. Jack Layton’s Fearless Advocacy

Ottawa (June 10, 2010) - The World Sikh Organization of Canada recognized NDP leader Jack Layton for his work to advance human rights in Canada and abroad.

Sikhs mark Sovereignty Milestones and Defy Indian modelling in South Asia

Birmingham/Smethwick (15 May, 2010 - Ranjit Singh Srai): As per a UK Times report dated 13 May, 2010 an array of Sikh organisations has, while marking key historical anniversaries relating to Sikh sovereign rule on Sunday 9th May 2010, delivered an uncompromising message to India reaffirming their commitment to once again liberate the Sikh homeland, and to maintain friendly relations with China and Pakistan in order to protect the territory in the event of war in South Asia.

Rise in Extremism or Rise in Hysteria? Canadian Sikhs Setting the Record Straight

It has been a tough month for Canadian Sikhs. The festival of Vaisakhi is supposed to be a time of celebration – when Sikhs have a public opportunity to share their values and explain their faith to their fellow Canadians. Instead, numerous incidents have occurred in recent weeks shifting the focus away from the Sikh principles of equality, compassion, freedom of expression, and religious freedom. Fuelled by misinformation and irresponsible leadership, public hysteria has grown over a supposed increase in extremism in the Sikh community. Here are the myths and realities behind the current controversy.

Indian PM asked Canada to curb ‘anti-India’ activities of Sikhs residing there

Canada (April 13, 2010): India's first ‘Sikh Prime Minister’ Dr. Manmohan Singh to met his Canadian counterpart and urged Canada to monitor activities of Sikhs residing there, who, according to India, are working against the interests of India.

Remove black list of Sikhs; Jathedar Gurbachan Singh

Amritsar (January 18, 2010): Jathedar Akal Takht Gyani Gurbachan Singh asked the Indian Government to remove the name of Sikh persons from black list so that they could come to their homeland, Punjab and elsewhere in this country.

Withdraw amendments in Nanakshahi calendar: Sikh bodies

Ludhiana (January 17, 2010): The crisis within the Sikh community have further deepened on the issue of Nanakshahi calendar as a large section of Sikhs today openly revolted against the amendments made by the SGPC executive committee and resolved not to rest in peace till the arbitrary decision of the SGPC is not withdrawn.

Denial of entry to Sikh woman, son severely criticized by Sikh orgs. and Human Rights bodies

Patiala (January 16, 2010): Various Sikh and Human Rights organizations have severely criticized Indian authorities for denial of entry to Sikh women Shubhneet Kaur, a New Zealand citizen from Manukau, and her year’s old son Bachint Vir Singh.

Sikh Nation has One Granth, One Panth and One Rehat Maryada: Sikh Diaspora

Los Angeles: As per a WSN report dated January 6, 2010, Seventy representatives of the 12 Metropolitan Gurudwaras and Sikh institutions participated in the meeting called by the Coalition over the current Panthic issues about erosion of Sikh ideology.

Manmohan’s Visit to US: Sikh diaspora seeks explatnation for 25 years of Injustice and Atrocities

Ludhiana (November 22, 2009): A news reported by a prominent daily of India, The Hindu, says that on the eve of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s arrival in the U.S., different advocacy, human rights groups, networks and Sikh organisations, have put up a coordinated campaign across North America and Europe to expose the denial of justice to the thousands of victims of the November 1984 anti-Sikh carnage.

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