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United Sikhs

United Sikhs

United Sikhs to release Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Report

Washington, DC (May 11, 2014): According to information available with the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) the a US based Sikh NGO, United Sikhs, will be releasing Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Report on May 21, 2014. The report will be released during an event to be held at 1539 Longworth Building, Washington, DC.

New White House Initiative Brings Hope to Disadvantaged Youth

Washington DC, USA (March 15, 2014): On February 28th, 2014, President Obama unveiled his, “My Brother’s Keeper” Initiative, which focuses on helping every disadvantaged youth find opportunities. Boys, and young, men of color, who are willing to work hard, will now have a new pipeline for mentor-ship, support networks, and skills.

Group photo of STARAE scholars in Peshawar

United Sikhs grants scholarships to Sikh Students in Pakistan

New York, United States (March 07, 2014): A US based NGO, United Sikhs, has extended its STARAE scholarship project, in September 2013, to needy students from families who are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Peshawar. After three months 75% of the 39 STARAE scholars have shown an improvement in their studies and 90 percent have achieved ‘A’ grades in their term test.

United Sikhs’ aid and relief team continues to help victims of Typhoon Haiyan in Philippines

Philippines (February 26, 2014): According to a recent newsletter by the United Sikhs, the US based humanitarian aid NGO has accomplished another momentous milestone in our efforts to join the humanitarian response to help the victims of Typhoon Haiyan.

Kanwaljit Kaur

Sikh groups call on Obama to reinstate IRS agent fired for wearing Article of Faith

Washington, DC (February 02, 2014): According to information shared by United Sikhs, a US based NGO, [o]n January 28, 2014 letters were sent to President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder by twelve major American Sikh advocacy organizations, including United Sikhs, calling on the Obama Administration to immediately reinstate Kawaljeet Tagore, a Sikh IRS Agent based out of Houston, TX fired in July, 2006 for wearing a kirpan, a Sikh religious article of faith.

Disaster Relief Aid distributed to 1000 villagers affected by Typhoon in Philippines

United Sikhs’ Disaster Relief Aid distributed to 1000 villagers affected by Typhoon in Philippines

Panay Islands, Philippines: According to a newsletter by the United Sikhs, a US based Sikh NGO, it has provided food aid to a 1000 villagers of Panay islands in Philippines. According to United Sikhs: [t]he impact is real, the loss is real and so is the huge task of assisting the people of Philippines to get their life back.

United Sikhs volunteers in Philippines

United Sikhs launch relief operations in Philippines

Philippines (November 22, 2013): According to a recent newsletter released by the United Sikhs, the US based NGO’s “Sikh Aid” relief team has reached Philippines.

White House celebrates Guru Nanak Sahib Ji's Gurpurab

US: White House celebrates Guru Nanak Sahib Ji’s Gurpurab

Washington, United States (November 21, 2013): Sikhs from various part of the U.S. came yesterday to celebrate Guru Nanak Sahib Ji’s Parkash Gurpurb for the fourth time in the White House. President Obama’s administration opened the doors of the White House for this annual celebration which featured key White House officials, Sikh community leaders, Sikh kirtan, and a musical performance on the sitar and tabla.

Serving in the footsteps of Guru Nanak Sahib ji as we celebrate his Parkash Gurpurb

United Sikhs, a US based Sikh NGO has recently released a newsletter on the Parkash Gurpurb of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji. The text of newsletter is re-produced here, as follows, for the information of readers/visitors of the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN)

Economic Policy Advisor for Sen Coons, JJ Singh addressing the youths

Young Sikh Leaders Workshop by United Sikhs: Youths engage leadership and advocacy lessons

Washington D.C. (October 31, 2013): It is learnt that the Sikh youths had an amazing opportunity to meet with community leaders for a rare lesson in leadership and advocacy rights on Capitol Hill. The United Sikhs Young Sikh Leaders Workshop (YSLW) provided students of undergraduate universities to gather at Washington D.C. to build their leadership and advocacy skills. They met with Sikh activists and leaders to learn about issues that affect the Sikh American community and discovered possible actions that may be taken to make a difference in the community.

Sikhs meet face to face with US Congressmen and Federal Agencies to voice their concerns

Washington D.C., USA (October 30, 2013): It is learnt that the United Sikhs, a US based Sikh NGO, arranged an event where the Sikh community of US got a chance to meet US Congressmen from different regions and federal agency officials face to face. Sikh activists and community members shared their concerns and expressed the need for change in the policies.

Pressure mounts on France against ban on Sikh Dastars/turbans

Paris, France (October 11, 2013): The recent decision of United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) holding the requirement that Sikh men remove their turban before having a passport photograph taken in France is a threat to religious freedom is a major victory for Sikh diaspora regarding turban ban by French authorities. This decision is believed to mount pressure on French authorities to recognize and allow the Sikhs to wear the turban/dastar freely.

Shingara Singh, a French citizen, who refused to remove his turban for his passport photograph

Sikhs win Turban Case against France at the United Nations

Paris, France (October 08, 2013): It is learnt that the United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) concluded that France has violated the religious freedom of 57 year old Shingara Mann Singh when he was asked to remove his turban for his passport photograph.

Sikh Gurus’ Portraits removed from Los Angeles Bar and Cafe

Los Angeles, California (October 03, 2013): It is learnt that United Sikhs International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy (ICHRA) Team received an email confirmation from the Pikey Bar and Café Management detailing that the portraits of the Sikh Guru’s have been removed from the Bar as of October 1st, 2013.

Jagjeet Singh Mississippi

Sikh man tormented by Mississippi DOT officers and County Judge – Will Justice be served?

Jackson, Mississippi (September 27, 2013): It is learnt that the United Sikhs (a US based Sikh NGO) and The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Mississippi, have filed a complaint with the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) calling on state officials to investigate the harassment of Mr. Jagjeet Singh, a Sikh commercial truck driver pulled over earlier this year for a flat tire.

Sikh man harassed by Mississippi Transportation officers and Justice Court Judge; ACLU and United Sikhs take up matter

Jackson, MISS. (September 26, 2013): The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Mississippi, and United Sikhs sent a letter to the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) on September 25 calling on state officials to investigate the harassment of a Sikh commercial truck driver pulled over earlier this year for a flat tire.

Canadian Sikhs and NDP Leader Tom Mulcair

United Sikhs salutes NDP Leader for standing behind the turban

Quebec, Canada (September 24, 2013): “Sikhs have fought in both World Wars while wearing their turbans. 200,000 Sikhs soldiers sacrificed their lives, 90,000 died and 100,000 were injured. They fought side by side with other soldiers, while wearing their turbans,” said New Democratic Party Leader (NDP) Thomas Mulcair. NDP Leader Mulcair promised to fight against institutionalized discrimination in honour of Sikh Veterans.

Another Victory for the Turban: Judge apologizes to Sikh; New Religious attire & headwear policy goes into effect in Michigan courtrooms

Kalamazoo County, Michigan (September 11, 2013): The United Sikhs has announced another civil rights policy advocacy victory resulting in the modification of court procedures in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, to recognize the Sikh religious practices.

Jagjeet Singh Missisipi

Mississippi: Efforts by United Sikhs led to new policy on harassment and non-discrimination

Pike County, Mississippi (September 04, 2013): It is learnt that after filing a Civil Rights Complaint with the Department of Justice and persistent advocacy, the Pike County Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual now includes the harassment and non-discrimination policy. A US based NGO named the United Sikhs has welcomed this new policy.

Highlights of 5th Global Sikh Civil Rights Conference by United

United Sikhs’ 5th Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Conference in France resolved to create a Global Sikh Alliance for Justice

Bobigny, Paris (August 18, 2013): “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied”, was the theme of United Sikhs' 5th Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Conference. The notion was based upon the landmark decision of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in 76 year old French resident Ranjit Singh's turban case. As per information available with the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) Sikhs from all of the world congregated in France to attend the conference that concluded last weekend.

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