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Sikh Genocide 1984

Keep signing the Sikh Genocide petition to President Obama till December 15: SJF

December 5, 2012 | By

Washington, US (December 04, 2012): It is learnt that an online petition urging the US President Barack Obama administration to recognize the fact of Sikh Genocide 1984 has been signed by more than twenty six thousand people so far; while petition is still being signed by other.

It is notable that the Sikhs for Justice, a US based Human rights and advocacy group, had created an online petition on the White House website.

1984 Yes It’s Genocide

The online petition was created by Sikhs for Justice on November 15, 2012 and is open for signatures on website of While House till December 15, 2012.

Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) has observed that a number of people are promoting the petition via Social Networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter.

After achieving the target of having 25,000 signatures before the closing date, the Sikhs for Justice has issued an appeal urging people of keep signing the petition till December 25, 2012.

“Keep signing the Sikh Genocide petition to President Obama till December 15. We should get aim to get 1 sinature for every Sikh murdered by the Government of India during the Genocide. Thats over 37,000 signatured” an Alert issued by SJF reads.

The text of petition is as follows:



During November 1984 the Congress Party of India organized and perpetrated violence with intent to destroy the Sikh community, resulting in more than 30,000 killed; women raped; Gurudwaras burnt and more than 300,000 displaced. The systematic violence against Sikhs was concealed and portrayed by the Indian governments as Anti-Sikh Riots.

The intentional and deliberate nature of the attacks on Sikh lives, properties and places of worship during November 1984 makes them crime of GENOCIDE as defined in 18 USC 1091 and as per Article 2 of the U.N. Convention on Genocide.

In 2011-12 mass graves of Sikhs killed during November 1984 were discovered throughout India, which is the most specific and convincing evidence that violence against Sikhs in 1984 was GENOCIDE.

Voiced for Freedom (VFF), another Human Rights organization, has issued a general appeal to cyber-users to join the signature campaign initiated by Sikhs for Justice and sign the online petition.

VFF has suggested following steps that a user should follow to sign the petition:

Steps to sign the petition:

Step 1. Please sign into

Step 2. Click on “create an account” (must create an account in order to sign the petitions). FIll in the required information and submit. You will than receive an email. Now follow the instructions and click on the link to confirm and finalize your account. Also in the same email you will find your password.

Step 3. Now go to

Step 4. Click on “Login“. Use your email and password to login.

Step 5. In a new browser window go to

Step 6. Sign the Petition

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