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Sikh Federation UK announces the Global Network of Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations

September 24, 2013 | By

London, United Kingdom (September 24, 2013): In a press statement sent to the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN), the Sikh Federation UK, a UK based Sikh body, has said that: [i]n the UK around 150 Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations are either affiliated or support the work of the Sikh Federation (UK).

“It is widely recognised and acknowledged within the Sikh community that the Federation is the leading Sikh pressure group in the UK that is able to command the support of Sikhs in large numbers on a range of campaigns” the statement reads.

“Given the international dimension to many campaigns the Federation has expanded its work across Europe and set up sister organisations and built extensive links with Sikh organisations across the globe e.g. Canada and USA. The overall aim has been to help other Sikhs in the Diaspora to link up and give Sikhs a stronger political voice and direction” it (the statement) reads further.

While marking the 10th anniversary of the Sikh Federation (UK), the decade old Sikh body launched a global network of over 500 Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations in the UK, mainland Europe and other parts of the world.

“Those in the network will receive press releases and regular information via email about events and activities organised by the Federation – this includes conferences, campaigns, consultations and lobbies; meetings with UK government departments, representatives of other governments, European institutions and UN bodies” a representative of the Sikh Federation told Sikh Siyasat News (SSN).

As per information the this first bulletin, released by the Sikh Federation UK on September 13, 2013 was sent to Gurdwaras, Sikh organisations and Sikh activists in around 20 countries and over 550 Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations. In some countries a number of organisations receiving this bulletin also have Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations that are affiliated at a regional or national level.

“We request they forward this bulletin to all affiliated bodies for information. Many Sikh activists are also receiving this bulletin and will wish to share it more widely with their contacts via email. Given the level of interest in this development over the last few weeks, especially outside the UK we believe this network will increase in size and may reach over 1,000 Gurdwara and Sikh organisations within the first year” it reads.

“If any additional Gurdwaras, Sikh organisations or Sikh activists wish to receive this and future bulletins directly via email please email details to sikhfederationuk (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk” – Sikh Federation UK.

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