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Sikh Diaspora

Canadian Representatives Express Solidarity With Sikhs

Vancouver, BC (June 7, 2012) - As the Sikh Nation commemorates the week-long siege of the Darbar Sahib complex in 1984 by the Indian Army this week, several Canadian elected representatives expressed their solidarity with the Sikh community.

Canadian Sikhs Commemorate 28th Anniversary of June 1984 Ghallughara

Vancouver, BC (June 7, 2012): The first week of June holds great significance for the Sikh community as they commemorate and remember the victims of the week-long siege and invasion of the Darbar Sahib complex in 1984 by the Indian Army.

Campaign #10DaysofTerror by National Sikh Youth Federation, UK attracting audiance through social media

London, UK (June 04, 2012): The Sikhs in the UK is once again preparing to mark the anniversary of the June 1984 Indian army invasion of their holiest place of worship. Harmandir Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple located in Amritsar, was invaded in an unprecedented Indian army action against the civilian population that resulted in massive casualties and wide spread human rights violations.

Injustice with Sikhs in India – HRW recommendations are welcomed, but they are not a solution: CSC

Vancouver, BC (May 28, 2012): In a report made public recently, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has pressured India to lay charges against the individuals responsible for the massacre of Sikhs in 1984.

India – Sikh Identity Issue: Rights Group to Launch “Amend Article 25” Campaign

New York, USA (May 24, 2012): Reacting to the recent amendment to Anand Marriage Act, Sikh organizations and Gurudwara Management Committees across North America came together declaring that amendment to Anand Marriage Act is not sufficient to restore the separate status and identity of Sikhism. Sikh bodies demanded amendment to article 25 of the Constitution of India to restore the separate status of Sikhism.

BBC expresses regret over suggestive misconception regarding Sikh religion

London, England (May 17, 2012): As per a news report of "The Telegraph" "the BBC has expressed regret to Sikhs over comments on a radio discussion suggesting that their faith is “made up of other religions” such as Islam and Hinduism".

Dabinderjit Singh (Sikh Federation),Dr Pritpal Singh (AGPC), Daljeet Singh (DSGMC) Avtar Singh (SGPC), Astt Pr Rahuldeep Singh (California Lutheran Uni)

Event report: Fourth Annual Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Conference 2012 organized by United Sikhs

New York, USA (April 28, 2012): It is learnt from a release issued by Mejindarpal Kaur, Legal Director,International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy (ICHRA), that the United Sikhs' Fourth Annual Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Conference held at the United Nations Church Center, this Tuesday on the 24th of April. The delegates from around the globe raised and discussed pressing issues facing the Sikh community.

United Sikhs want UK Govt to call India to abolish death penalty

London, UK (April 21, 2012: United Sikhs handed the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, a letter on Monday asking him to call on India to abolish the death penalty and to free Balwant Singh Rajoana, who is facing the death penalty.

US Congress members demand FBI to track Anti-Sikh hate crimes

Washington, DC (April 20, 2012): Over 90 members of the United States Congress, led by New York Congressman Joseph Crowley, issued a letter to the Justice Department this week, demanding that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) track anti-Sikh hate crimes.

Sikh Genocide 1984: Congress (I) takes defenses of “burden on American Tax Payers” and “immunity” in US court

New York, US: (April 11, 2012): Representing Congress (I) a.k.a (INC) in Sikh Genocide Case, lawyers from “Jones Day”, an international law firm specializing in defending claims arising from human rights violations, has opposed the entry of default judgment against Congress (I). The opposition filed in the court states that the 1984 Sikh Genocide case “involves significant issues of public international law that should not be decided by a default judgment.”

Thousands protested at Birmingham against hanging of Sikh prisoner Balwant Singh Rajoana in India

Birmingham, England (March 28, 2012): As per inforamtion available with Sikh Siyasat about thousand people have protested in Birmingham against an execution scheduled to take place in India on Saturday. Balwant Singh Rajoana is due to be hanged for his part in the 1995 murder of Punjab's Chief Minister Beant Singh, who was considered to be responsible for mass level massacre of civilian Sikh population.

Canadian Sikhs applaud MP Jasbir Sandhu and NDP Caucus

Ottawa, Canada (March 27, 2012): Following a petition campaign organized by the Canadian Sikh Coalition, Jasbir Sandhu, NDP MP from Surrey North, addressed Canadian Parliament today with regards to the looming execution of Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana to which he received a standing ovation. Canadian Sikhs applaud this initiative of the NDP caucus.

Canadian Sikh MPP oppose death penalty to Balwant Singh Rajoana; UK Sikh body welcomes statement

Ontario, Canada (March 26, 2012): Following the announcement in India to hang Balwant Singh Rajoana on 31 March 2012 few western politicians have issued statements condemning the death penalty in India.

Sikh diaspora protests globally against proposed execution of Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana

Ludhiana, Punjab (March 24, 2012): As per information shared on Facebook Group "The Global Movement for Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana" acknowledges the Sikh Organizations in California, Gurdwara Committee’s, and Sangat that came together in unprecedented numbers to protest the death sentence of Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana.

Worldwide Sikh Diaspora approach UN Human Rights Commission regarding proposed hanging of Sikh political prisioner in India

London, England (March 23, 2012): As per information available with "Sikh Siyasat" a delegation of Sikhs from a number of countries will later this morning meet with UN officials in Geneva and make a submission to the UN Human Rights Council. The submission will request the UN to take action against India to end the death penalty.

Sikh Genocide 1984: India’s ruling Congress party asked to respond with in two weeks by US Federal court

Ludhiana, Punjab (March 16, 2012): As per inforamtion available with "Sikh Siyasat" a US federal court has granted Congress an extension of 2 weeks to respond to the motion for "default judgment" in a law suit filed by Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) for its (Congress') failure to defend the charges of conspiring, aiding, abetting, organizing and carrying out genocidal attacks on Sikh population of India in November 1984.

Website of Sikh for Justice (SJF) hacked – Complaint filed with FBI and other authorities

New York, USA (February 6, 2012): The website of Sikh for Justice (SFJ), (, a US based human rights advocacy group which is seeking justice for the victims of November 1984 Sikh Genocide, has been hacked. SFJ has filed a written complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a Unit of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) which is responsible for investigating and prosecuting internet crimes.

British Lawmakers tabled motion against Jay Leno

London, England (January 26, 2011): Jay Leno continues to face opposition on his controversial remark about Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar, the sacred Sikh shrine. Now British lawmakers say Prime Minister David Cameron should complain to the United States over a Leno routine that joked about the holiest site in the Sikh religion.

US rights body lodged a complaint with Federal Communications Commission against Jay Leno

New York, USA (January 24, 2012): A US based Sikh rights group “Sikhs for Justice” (SFJ) has lodged a complaint with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ...

Dal Khalsa writes to US Ambassador on Jay Leno issue

Amritsar, Punjab (January 25, 2012): Dal Khalsa has sent a letter to the US Ambassador in New Delhi regarding Jay Leno’s derogatory remark regarding Darbar ...

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