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Dal Khalsa to mark 15 August as “Black Day”

August 13, 2010 | By

Hoshiarpur (August 12, 2010): On its 32nd foundation day, the office bearers of the Dal Khalsa today re-elected Harchranjit Singh Dhami their president for the term of 2 years and authorized him to resurrect the organizational structure afresh.
Members of the executive committee and district presidents today converged here and asked Mr Dhami to continue for the second term.
The leaders reiterated their party agenda to make Punjab as an independent state, to protect the exclusive and separate identity of Sikhs and to take Punjab economically and politically forward.
The meeting today gave a clarion call to the people of the state to observe August 15 as black day and stay away from celebrations.
To mark their protest, the members of the organization have decided to stage a peaceful sit-in on India’s 63rdIndependence Day at Amritsar for 3 hours. To convey their message, they would carry black flags and placards in their hands.
A grave injustice is being done to Punjab by the successive union governments’, said Dhami, who was flanked by party senior leaders including Satnam Singh. The feeling of oneness for this country has been lost. Tens of thousands have been killed or butchered. The Sikhs have realized that the pursuit of justice (referring to Nov 84 genocide) in this country was an illusion as the (Indian) state is complicit in the violence.
In the present times, the biggest concerns that bother the people of the state most is the continued loot of Punjab’s water wealth resources followed by the continuation of influx of migrants to Punjab. The government is pursuing deliberate policy of reducing the Sikhs in minority in their own Homeland.
Explaining their rationale behind giving the call to observe August 15 as ‘black day’, they said guns have felt silent since 1995 but not a single substantive issue of the Punjab has been resolved for which its people witnessed bloodshed for two decades. The Punjab problem that started in 1978 continued for the next 17 years. New Delhi found police solution to Punjab problem. Still, there are people over there who are in denial about the problem. The seizure of arms and ammunitions from the scores of arrested youth since last one year is an indicator of the undercurrents of the situation reverting back to earlier days of militancy. The Punjab problem will continue to resurface till it is properly addressed and genuine aspirations of the people met.
Although Indian leadership has engaged rebel leaders in Nagaland, Kashmir, Assam for talks, but ironically for them, there’s exists no Punjab problem.

Hoshiarpur (August 12, 2010): On its 32nd foundation day, the office bearers of the Dal Khalsa today re-elected Harchranjit Singh Dhami their president for the term of 2 years and authorized him to resurrect the organizational structure afresh.

Members of the executive committee and district presidents today converged here and asked Mr Dhami to continue for the second term.

The leaders reiterated their party agenda to make Punjab as an independent state, to protect the exclusive and separate identity of Sikhs and to take Punjab economically and politically forward.

The meeting today gave a clarion call to the people of the state to observe August 15 as black day and stay away from celebrations.

To mark their protest, the members of the organization have decided to stage a peaceful sit-in on India’s 63rdIndependence Day at Amritsar for 3 hours. To convey their message, they would carry black flags and placards in their hands.

A grave injustice is being done to Punjab by the successive union governments’, said Dhami, who was flanked by party senior leaders including Satnam Singh. The feeling of oneness for this country has been lost. Tens of thousands have been killed or butchered. The Sikhs have realized that the pursuit of justice (referring to Nov 84 genocide) in this country was an illusion as the (Indian) state is complicit in the violence.

In the present times, the biggest concerns that bother the people of the state most is the continued loot of Punjab’s water wealth resources followed by the continuation of influx of migrants to Punjab. The government is pursuing deliberate policy of reducing the Sikhs in minority in their own Homeland.

Explaining their rationale behind giving the call to observe August 15 as ‘black day’, they said guns have felt silent since 1995 but not a single substantive issue of the Punjab has been resolved for which its people witnessed bloodshed for two decades. The Punjab problem that started in 1978 continued for the next 17 years. New Delhi found police solution to Punjab problem. Still, there are people over there who are in denial about the problem. The seizure of arms and ammunitions from the scores of arrested youth since last one year is an indicator of the undercurrents of the situation reverting back to earlier days of militancy. The Punjab problem will continue to resurface till it is properly addressed and genuine aspirations of the people met.

Although Indian leadership has engaged rebel leaders in Nagaland, Kashmir, Assam for talks, but ironically for them, there’s exists no Punjab problem.

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