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India loses argument for expanding UN security council: Sikh Federation UK

September 28, 2015 | By

London: Any expansion of the UN Security Council will not take place as the major global players are not in favour of including others into the special club which has veto powers.

In their one-to-one meets with the Indian Prime Minister over the last several years, the rulers of UK, France, US, Russia and China have supposedly expressed public support to varying degrees for the expansion of the permanent members of the Security Council with India’s inclusion. They have reiterated their support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi since coming to power in order to expand trade deals with India that are expected to double over the next decade.

David Cameron (L), Narendra Modi (R) [File Photos]

David Cameron (L), Narendra Modi (R) [File Photos]

China, Russia, the US seem completely opposed to any expansion. Publicly, the US and Russia have said that there is no change in their position of support to India (which has been a close ally of Russia since 1947 when it became independent), but they have not communicated such support to the negotiators in written submissions.

The global players don’t wish to reduce their power and influence over the global body. The positions of member states that matter (the five global players) remain as wide apart today as before reforms were proposed. India has exhausted all the arguments in favour of the expansion of the SC, including a delay in being granted the veto power.

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