Inspired by the Oak Creek sangat’s Chardhi Kala 6K Memorial Walk/Run, the Sikh Coalition organized a third annual National Day of Seva, in remembrance and solidarity for those who were injured and killed on August 5, 2012 in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Wisconsin, USA: In an effort to combat hate and spread peace across the nation, this weekend, the Sikh Coalition—a community-based organization that works toward the ...
A news update by the Sikh Coalition informs that the US based civil rights and advocacy group is expanding its Legal Program to provide even more legal services to Sikhs across USA.
A gunman opened fire at a recruiting center and another US military site a few miles apart in Chattanooga yesterday, killing at least four Marines. The attacker was also killed. US Federal authorities said they were investigating the possibility it was an act of domestic terrorism, and the FBI took charge of the case.
The Sikh Coalition and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are thrilled to announce that a Sikh employee at Walt Disney World will no longer be kept hidden from public view of Disney visitors because of his religious appearance.
The Sikh Coalition is excited to announce our new Law & Policy Director, Arjun Singh. Arjun will replace Rajdeep Singh, who will depart to pursue a second graduate degree at the end of August.
The Sikh Coalition has launched a new Sikh Awareness education video in California. Created in collaboration with the Fresno County Office of Education, the video will be offered as a resource to theUS’s 32 school districts – representing over 200,000 students. This educational video is the first of it's kind in the United States.
n April 2015, the U.S. Army released new rules that will make it easier for observant Sikhs to request religious accommodations for their articles of faith. The prior procedures forced turbaned and bearded Sikh recruits to violate their religion while asking for a religious exception to serve - a Catch-22.
A community update by the Sikh Coalition says that this week the NGO will be presenting thousands of community petitions calling upon the California Department of Education to preserve Sikh history in California.
Following the withdrawal from Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University (SGGSWU) vice-chancellor, more Sikh scholars have withdrawn their names from the University of California, Riverside’s upcoming conference on “Living and Making Sikhi in the Diaspora: The Millennial Generation Comes of Age”.
For the second consecutive year, the Office of the Pentagon Chaplain commemorated Vaisakhi in a 400-seat auditorium last Friday. Guests included congressional staffers, military officials, service members, interfaith leaders, and nearly 200 sangat members from across the country.
Earlier this week, the Sikh Coalition trained over 100 Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees, including security officers, on Sikhism and Sikh air travelers’ rights during the screening process. The organization’s Operations Manager Balbir Singh and Legal Fellow, Attorney Katie Mallon conducted eight in-person training sessions over two days at Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C. These trainings were also available through a live webcast and recorded to be used as part of a nationwide TSA webinar.
The Sikh Coalition has released (on YouTube) The Struggle To Serve – a short documentary encapsulating our ambitious six-year campaign to end discrimination by the U.S. Department of Defense, the largest employer in America.
Two organizations—the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) and a group calling itself California Parents for the Equalization of Educational Materials (CAPEEM)—are proposing to deny that Sikhism is opposed to idol worship and the caste system. Incredibly, they have even attempted to rewrite the history of Guru Nanak, denying that the founder of the Sikh religion “challenged the authority of the Brahmin and the power of the Mughal empire.”
A community update by the Sikh Coalition says: [f]or the third year in a row, members of the U.S. Congress plan to introduce a resolution honouring the Sikh community’s celebration of Vaisakhi.
As the FBI has officially recognizes Anti-Sikh hate crimes, the Sikh Coalition today announced to continue to prioritize improvements to law enforcement training. In the past, when crimes were committed against Sikhs because of their identity, local law enforcement officials sometimes failed to investigate or charge these incidents as hate crimes due to ignorance about Sikh religious practices.
The Sikh Coalition reportedly worked with the local sangat in Georgia to provide a rapid media response in the wake of a viral school bullying video that was recently circulated on the Internet.
A Sikh students reportedly captured a video in school bus when other students were bullying him. The video was reportedly recorded by Harsukh Singh, a Sikh student in the US state of Georgia. The video went viral after it was uploaded on video-sharing website YouTube.
An update by the Sikh Coalition says [o]ver the past two weeks, there has been a spike of hate crimes against American Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim. From the possible hate crime murders in Chapel Hill, North Carolina to the vandalism of a Hindu temple in Bothell, Washington, we (the Sikh Coalition) ask the Sikh community to come together and stand with diverse communities in combating hate and bigotry in America.
“The decision to include Sikhism was clearly the right thing to do. The Sikh American community has been contributing to the rich diversity that makes New York and this nation great for generations. We are incredibly grateful to the Sikh Coalition for tirelessly working with us over the past year to make sure we got it right.”
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