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Canada Government Has Disappointed the Sikh Nation: says Dal Khalsa

Dal Khalsa urges Canadian Government to with­draw the un­sub­stan­ti­ated men­tion of Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism in its 2018 Pubic Safety Report on the Terrorism threat to Canada.

Canadian MP Randeep S. Sarai Tells Canada Govt. To Remove Unfounded “Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism” from Public Safety Report

In the entirety of the report, there is no cause to show that there is any such risk, rise, or threat of Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism in Canada or abroad. It is not mentioned in either of the prior reports done in 2016 and 2017. Therefore, to add such a group as a concern without showing a cause or factual evidence, incorrectly identifies them as a threat.

SGGS Satikar Committee UK Statement on Beadbi Incident at Gurdwara Sahib Hounslow (London)

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Satikar Committee regarding an incident which took place at Gurdwara Sahib in Hounslow (London) and which resulted in beadbi of Guru Granth Shaib.

Sikh Body Shots Letter to Canada’s Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale Over Maligning of Sikh Community

The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) has written a letter to Canada's Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale on the maligning of the Sikh community in the recently released 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada. 

Sikh (Khalistan) Extremism” – Continuing Indian Interference in Sikh Affairs in Canada

This is the first time that reference to “Sikh Extremism” has been made in this particular report and it is done so multiple times, including the 1st paragraph of the Executive Summary and in a paragraph immediately after outlining what the principal threat to Canada’s security is. It is highly irresponsible of those writing this report to first place the Sikh community within the report with such little context provided and then further place our community name in such significant places within the report so as to give prominence to the supposed “threat” we pose.

Public Safety Canada Terror Report Maligns Canadian Sikhs

Addition of imagined “Sikh extremism” to the 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada is a cause of concern for the Sikh diaspora in Canada who are facing continuous propaganda by the Indian state which aims to malign their image.

Human Rights Will Win, Assert Amnesty India & Civil Society Activists

2018 will be remembered as a year when India witnessed a massive crackdown on civil society organisations and human rights defenders. In these turbulent times, protection of human rights are all the more important, Amnesty India said today.

On Human Rights Day: Activists to Protest in Delhi Against Indian State’s Crackdown

To mark the World Human Rights Day 0n December 10, 2018, the civil society organisations and human rights defenders and activists are organising a protest and a Public Meeting from 2 pm onwards at Jantar Mantar to urge the Government of India to uphold its constitutional obligation of protecting fundamental rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in India.

University of Ottawa introduces New Sikh Diaspora and Punjabi Language Courses

The University of Ottawa’s  Faculty of Arts has introduced new courses in Punjabi language and Sikh Diaspora.

Reconsideration Motion Filed at Supreme Court For QNA Kirpan Appeal

In February 2018, the Quebec Court of Appeal rejected the WSO’s appeal on the grounds that the Quebec National Assembly may exclude individuals based on parliamentary privilege. The Superior Court decision below had upheld the authority of the QNA to "exclude kirpans from its precincts as an assertion of parliamentary privilege over the exclusion of strangers.''

Security Report Raises Spectre of Indian Interference in Sikh Canadian Affairs

The release of a special security report by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s trip to Indian sub-continent earlier this year raises many troubling questions about foreign interference, particularly with respect to the reputation of the Sikh community in Canada and unfounded allegations of Sikh "extremism".

FSO Welcomes Kirpan Decision by UK, Initiative of Pakistan on Kartarpur Sahib Corridor

The Federation of Sikh Organizations (UK) has welcomed the decision of British government to allow Sikhs to carry Kirpan without limitations of its size. FSO leaders Bhai Kuldeep Singh Chaheru, Loveshinder Singh Dallewal and Joga Singh said in a written statement that the Kirpan has special significance for the Sikhs and it is good that the government has decided to remove Kirpan from list of offensive weapons.

World Karate Federation (WKF) Agrees to Accommodate Religious Head Coverings for Athletes

The World Karate Federation (WKF) has agreed to accommodate religiously mandated headwear for male competitors. Prior to the change, only female athletes were permitted to wear head coverings.

World Sikh Parliament (WSP) Welcomes Kartarpur Sahib Corridor Initiative

The recently formalised organisation called World Sikh Parliament (WSP) had issued a written statement welcoming the initiative of a corridor at Kartarpur Sahib which would enable Sikhs residing in East Panjab to visit the Gurdwara Sahib which is located in West Panjab.

WSO & Manmeet Singh Bhullar Foundation Welcome Approval of Afghan Hindu & Sikh Refugee Applications

On November 27, the Government of Canada announced that it is approving the resettlement of Sikh and Hindu refugees to Canada, who had fled Afghanistan due to religious persecution.

India’s Deputy High Commissioner Not Allowed to Use Stage of UK Sikh Gurdwara

A group of Sikh activists on Sunday refused to allow Indian deputy high commissioner to the UK Charanjeet Singh to use the stage of a Gurdwara Sahib in Shepherd Bush area of London.

Canada Taking Action to Help Sikh and Hindu Minorities Facing Persecution in Afghanistan

Minister Ahmed Hussen has announced the Government of Canada is approving the private sponsorship of the Sikh and Hindu minority population in Afghanistan by the Manmeet Bhullar Foundation. Canada will welcome the approved individuals to Canada early next year.

Sikh Students of 13 Universities in London Condemn Indian State for ‘Unjustly Incarcerating’ Jagtar Singh Johal

In a unique move, Sikh students from 13 universities in London came forward to support arrested Scottish citizen Jagtar Singh Johal who is behind the bars in the Indian subcontinent now for more than a year. 

United Sikhs Establish Memorial Fund in Honor of Humanitarian Director Rishiwant Singh

In recognition of Malaysia Director Rishiwant ("Rishi") Singh's global humanitarian legacy, the United Sikhs has announced a memorial fund that will help support his grieving family and continue the work of the humanitarian projects he founded. On Nov. 25, Rishi Singh died in a motorbike accident near Guru Nanak Ashram while trying to avoid a collision with another two-wheeler.

Statement of Canadian Prime Minister on Parkash Gurpurab of Guru Nanak Ji

This is the statement of Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau on Parkash Gurpurab of Guru Nanak Ji. This statement was issued on November 23, 2018.

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