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Sikh Diaspora

35th Anniversary of 1984 Sikh Genocide Marked At Queen’s Park in Toronto

The Ontario Gurdwaras Committee (OGC) and Ontario Sikh and Gurudwara Council (OSGC) collectively commemorated the victims of the 1984 Sikh Genocide at Queen’s Park on November 7.

Two Years On, India Still Ignoring Well-Founded Allegations of Torture in Jagtar Singh Johal’s Case

In a statement issued on November 3, 2019 REDRESS said that India continues to ignore its binding international obligations to investigate the allegations of torture in Jagtar Singh-Johal’s case. Monday 4 November 2019 marked two years since his arrest in India. New expert analysis has added further support to Jagtar Singh Johal’s claims of torture.

Connecticut Sikhs Want US to Acknowledge “1984 Sikh Genocide” at Federal Level Like Armenian Genocide

State of Connecticut took boldest decision by recognizing Sikh Genocide of 1984 by Indian Government. by passing legislation to commemorate November 1st as “Sikh Genocide Remembrance Day” every year and by allowing Sikhs to do annual event in State Capitol.

Getting Sikh Genocide Memorial Removed from US Library Exposes Indian State’s Denial Tactics

In his famous thesis regarding ‘stages of genocide’ US based scholar Gregory H. Stanton has identified ‘denial’ as last and unending stage of genocide. He says that every genocide is followed by denial. He further points out that denial tactics may be numerous.

Appeal to All Sikh Organizations in Regards to Removal of “1984 Sikh Genocide Memorial” by Indian Govt. in America

Norwich ,The City in Connecticut,USA which has always acknowledged the pain of Sikh nation and among one of cities in America which has declared 1984 violence by Indian Govt. as 1984 Sikh Genocide had to make a sad decision in regards to 1984 Sikh Genocide Memorial.

Ontario Gurdwaras Committee To Celebrate Guru Nanak Ji’s 550th Gurpurab with David Suzuki at 905 Talks Climate

On November 4, the Ontario Gurdwaras Committee in partnership with the David Suzuki Foundation is hosting David Suzuki at their partnership event 905 Talks Climate.

Guru Nanak Street Sign Unveiled in Brampton; Trees Planted to Mark 550th Parkash Gurpurab

On Saturday (November 2), Brampton Wards 9 & 10 City Councillor Harkirat Singh and Regional Councillor Gurpreet Singh Dhillon led an initiative to plant 550 trees at Gore Meadows Community Centre in honour of Guru Nanak ji's upcoming 550th ‘Parkash Gurpurab’.

Self Determination As South Asia’s Only Survival Roadmap

Against the backdrop of the continuing crisis in South Asia, triggered by India’s purported annexation and lockdown of Indian-held Kashmir, the World Sikh Parliament has called for urgent international intervention to prevent a catastrophic war that most military experts expect to be a nuclear conflict with casualties measured in the tens of millions.

550th Parkash Gurpurab: Samagam Held in Federal Australian Parliament

The Australian Sikh Council organised a Samagam to celebrate 550th Parkash Gurpurab of Guru Nanak ji at the Australian Federal Parliament on the 22nd October 2019.

Brampton to Name Street After Guru Nanak Ji on 550th Parkash Gurpurab

At its meeting on October 23rd, Brampton City Council unanimously passed a motion moved by Regional Councillor Gurpreet Singh Dhillon and City Councillor Harkirat Singh to rename the section of Peter Robertson Blvd between Dixie Road and Great Lakes Road to ‘Guru Nanak Street’ or ‘Guru Nanak Road’, in honour of the 550th Parkash Gurpurab of Guru Nanak Ji.

First Time Ever in US History, the US Senate Session Starts with a Sikh Prayer: ASCC & SCCEC

The American Sikh Caucus Committee (ASCC) and Sikh Coordination Committee East Coast (SCCEC) said in a written statement that: "[w]hen Giani Sukhvinder Singh of Philadelphia Sikh Society, Milbourn Gurdwara, stood next to Senator Patrick Toomey-President pro-term of Senate, to offer the 'Sikh Prayer' in US Senate Chamber, he was creating history".

Jagmeet Singh’s Campaign Trail Strength has Silenced His Critics within the NDP

Heading into the 2019 election campaign, it seemed like the New Democrats couldn't catch a break. The party was struggling to raise funds and recruit candidates and was polling badly. Some speculated that the NDP might lose official party status.

Ontario’s Sikh Community Gearing up to Mark 550th Parkash Gurpurab of Guru Nanak Ji

This year marks the 550th Parkash Gurpurab of Guru Nanak Ji. To mark this momentous occasion, the Ontario Gurdwaras Committee (OGC) is hosting engaging events and activities across the province, in addition to the Gurpurab celebrations being held at Gurdwaras.

“Key Resolutions” Adopted During World Sikh Parliament’s Derby Session

A press release issued Hardyal Singh and Manpreet Singh, both general secretaries of the WSP is being reproduced below, in verbatim, for the information of readers of the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN).

North Dakota Becomes 11th State of USA to Teach About Sikhi

The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) recently released new social studies standards, which for the first time ever include Sikhism.

WSO (Canada) Selects New Board and President 2020-21

The World Sikh Organization of Canada held its biennial convention on Saturday October 5, 2019 in Ottawa. WSO delegates from across Canada gathered to discuss current challenges facing Canadian Sikhs and to select Tejinder Singh Sidhu as the next President of the organization.

UK’s Commission for Counter Extremism Removes Academic Paper on Sikh Activism After Complaint from Sikh Federation UK

The Commission for Countering Extremism on October 7 published four further academic papers on extremism, taking the total number to 17 but has been forced to withdraw the “Academic paper on Sikh activism”.

In Memory of Deputy Dhaliwal

Our heartbroken thoughts and prayers remain with the family and community of slain Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Sandeep Singh Dhaliwal. In an effort to honor the legacy of a man who broke down barriers for Sikhs choosing to serve, the Sikh Coalition joined 98 current and former Sikh military and law enforcement officials today in releasing letters urging reforms to police and military religious accommodation practices.

First Sikh Deputy Sheriff in Texas Shot Dead; Dal Khalsa Expresses Condolence

A Sikh law-enforcement officer was fatally shot during a traffic stop in the US state of Texas on Saturday (September 29).

Sikh, Tamil, Kashmiri and Bahujan Diaspora Groups to Protest Against Modi at UN in New York

Sikh, Tamil, Kashmiri and Bahujan diaspora groups will be holding a protest outside the United Nations headquarters in New York on September 27, 2019 from 11 am to 2 pm.

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