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1984 Sikh Genocide

Holyoak City Council in Massachusetts state of USA Recognises 1984 Sikh Genocide

Rejecting India's denial various international authorities continue to recognise the fact of 1984 Sikh genocide. In this series the Holyoak city council in Massachusetts state of USA recognises 1984 Sikh Genocide.

Pennsylvania General Assembly Resolution on 1984 Sikh Genocide Not Withdrawn

Today's newspapers in the Indian subcontinent prominent published a fake news that the 1984 Sikh genocide resolution passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in United States of America is withdrawn. The fake is also published in various online media platforms.

After 34 Years, Delhi Court Convicts 2 Persons in 1984 Sikh Genocide Related Case

Two persons were convicted yesterday (on Nov. 14) by a Patiala House trial court in Delhi in a case related to genocidal violence against the Sikhs in November 1984.

Seminar on Phenomena of Genocide in Punjab University Chandigarh on November 15

Sath, a students group, is going to organize a seminar on "Phenomena of Genocide" in Punjab University Chandigarh on 15th of November. The seminar will be held in Zoology Auditorium at 3 PM.

US Senator, General Assembly of State of Connecticut and 8 Cities in Connecticut Recognise Nov. 1 as Sikh Genocide Remembrance Day

In first of its kind the General Assembly of State of Connecticut in USA along with a US Senator and eight cities of Connecticut recognised November 1 as the Sikh Genocide Remembrance Day.

Lack of Commemoration of 1984 Sikh Genocide by PM Trudeau and Premier Ford Disappointing: WSO

Ottawa, Canada: The World Sikh Organization of Canada is deeply disappointed by the lack of commemoration of the 1984 Sikh Genocide by Prime Minister Justin ...

Brampton East MPP Gurrattan Singh’s Statement on 1984 Sikh Genocide

This week, Gurratan Singh, Member of Provincial Parliament from Brampton East, rose in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to remember the 1984 Sikh genocide.

How to Deal with Anger of 1984? Views and Experience of S. Harinder Singh

Sikh educator and activist S. Harinder Singh has shared his experience and views about "How to deal with Anger of 1984?". The video is shared below for the information of viewers of the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN).

Seeking its intervention, Sikh body urges UN to wake up to reality of India

Terming the November 1984 massacre a watershed in Indo-Sikh relations, the Dal Khalsa said this November marks the year when Sikhs will actively pursue the UN and world power, who have remained oblivious to Sikh yearning for justice and under Indian pressure ignored to admonish India for the Delhi carnage.

NDP’s Official Statement on the Anniversary of the 1984 Sikh Genocide

From November 1st to 4th, Canadians and Human Rights Advocates will mark the 34th anniversary of the 1984 Sikh Genocide.

Wikileaks: Congress Leaders Competed in November 1984 to Shed More Sikh Blood

New Delhi: A US Diplomatic cable published by Public Library of US Diplomacy (PLUS D), commonly known as Wikileaks, contains a number of political highlights ...

WSP Representatives Call for UN Intervention to Resolve the Indo-Sikh Conflict

On the 34th anniversary of the genocide of the Sikhs in India during the first week of November 1984, a delegation from the recently formed World Sikh Parliament (WSP) met with a senior UN human rights official in Geneva to urge action by the world body to deal with the range of key human rights concerns that define the decades-old conflict between the Sikh nation and the Indian state, reads a release issued by an official of the World Sikh Parliament.

Denial of Justice for November 1984: Dal Khalsa to hold Rights and Justice March on Nov. 3

Blaming the Indian political establishment and justice system for failing the Sikhs from Nov 1984 massacre to Bargarhi-Behbal Kalan incidents, the Dal Khalsa will organize a ‘Rights & Justice March’ in the city on Nov 3.

Sikh Body to Hold Mashaal March Against 34 Years Impunity to Perpetrators of Sikh Genocide 1984 on Nov. 3

Observing the 34th genocidal day of Nov 1984 killings, the Dal Khalsa will hold a 'Mashaal (Torch) March' at Amritsar on Nov 3.

Twitter Blocking Links; Sikh Netizen Social Media Giant Accused of Bias

Micro blogging giant Twitter is blocking tweets with links of website. The website is launched by a human rights and advocacy group called Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) for triggering a campaign to get international recognition for the fact of 'Sikh Genocide' of 1984.

On Sikh Genocide 1984 Resolution Passed by Pennsylvania State Assembly

Pennsylvania State Assembly in the United States of America (USA) passed a house resolution to recognise the November 1984 state sponsored massacres of the Sikhs in the Indian subcontinent as 'genocide' on October 15, 2018.

Pennsylvania State Assembly Recognises the Fact of “Sikh Genocide 1984”

The State Assembly of Pennsylvania (USA) has passed a resolution recognising the fact of Sikh genocide of November 1984. The assembly has recognised the November 1984 massacre of Sikhs as 'genocide'.

SGPC Raises Sikh Genocide 1984, Kartarpur Sahib Corridor and Sikh Identity Issues with UN Secretary General

In a letter addressed to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres during his visit to Amritsar, the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandak Committee (SGPC) raised issues of 1984 Sikh Genocide, Sikh identity, Sikh articles of faith, Visa free corridor to Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib and hate crimes against Sikhs.

Sikh Human Rights Group (SHRG) Raises Nov. 1984 Massacres Issue as Sikh Genocide in UN

Sikh Human Rights Group (SHRG) raised the issue of November 1984 massacre of Sikhs as 'genocide' at a UN Human Rights Council meet in Geneva.

Sikh Body Want Rahul Gandhi’s Host British MPs to Condemn His Denial of Congress Involvement in Sikh Genocide 1984

The Sikh Federation (UK) is asking constituents to question any MPs present at an event in the Grand Committee Room in Westminster last Friday and to urge the MPs concerned to condemn Rahul Gandhi for his outrageous and offensive denial of Congress involvement in the 1984 Sikh Genocide.

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